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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
managerial [ 7mAnE5dViEriEl ] (adj.) of, relating to, or characteristic of a manager or management管理的  
8 g. h( T4 C; m6 X) j; L3 z[例]  managerial roles ' Y- v3 a( y6 [7 I6 F, l1 O1 G; t
  9 M- X2 v3 F7 ?/ P0 S5 X- E
mark down (v) to reduce the price of goods to encourage sales 减价 , p' u5 O3 R0 V& Z: P
[例] In the promotion campaign , the hyper-market was marking down all the prices of the goods. ! q# P' W- k4 i
  3 g" N! C% k7 ~2 [
mass media (n) ways of spreading news and information to the greatest number of people , eg by television, radio or newspapers 大众传媒 0 h+ w) f) ]! w% }6 c; @
[例] She got full financial aid to study in UBC , majoring in Mass Media.
8 w8 p* |5 g0 s* F  4 ?2 E* m% O* `5 P0 X: ^- _
mass production (n.) the manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques  大批量生产
: K' u$ [+ Y8 ~- v& O& t, m[例]  Mass production reduces unit cost substantially, reflecting the advantage of economy of scale.
) v6 `; c! }7 x) P* {  
: s3 F( E- t# k5 L$ H( smaster (n) an original, especially an original audio recording, from which copies can be made 原版,母带 * N6 e9 M# V0 |
[例] This is the master, and keep it for future reference. $ s2 A! R7 s4 J* ^) n' u1 R$ Z0 u
0 T9 }1 e7 A9 c, Umiddle management (n.) department managers中层管理者
7 S) {" y/ L" v) H( z) ~1 n  
" Y( L  n$ N5 V  j  ^" p4 W4 U# ysenior management (n.) top managers高级经理
# `' N1 j0 u$ C; i  I  
# q- z( n. N3 T( [+ J5 kmanager [ 5mAnidVE ] (n.) person who manages an organization or part of it经理 7 S( R* t0 Q, V1 F
[同义词]  administrator, executive, director
) z" }1 e) k% ~2 k  
1 z7 x: h9 q# x  ]( l- q0 f' k6 iplant manager (n.) factory manager工厂经理 ' F! e+ m7 o; s. u& N8 m  ~4 Q- X- i
7 n" h/ B" S9 T5 Aline manager (n.) manager who is in charge of accomplishing the basic goals of the organization生产经理 . H' Y+ d; w  B6 X. G
[例]  All the sales performance will be reported to your line manager monthly.

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