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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百一十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
motivation [ 7mEuti5veiFEn ] (n.) state of being motivated激励 ; b* K/ U1 c! v, u1 Z- p0 g
[例]  For motivation to take place, workers must believe that effort on their part will lead to rewards.
2 q8 x0 X0 Q5 _( q) l0 M& x+ {7 o  
. Z+ `0 A6 M1 |& K, g7 o2 d' D# amotive [ 5mEutiv ] (n.) reason动机
- Q8 y! n; c3 e3 q) I7 v[例]  To minimize the loss of this project is the motive for the company’s layoff action.
" ^6 V& A4 C2 F4 h[同义词]  reason, cause, motivation ( _8 r7 Q  g, }+ ?( c# Q9 t. b
  ; r" C0 V/ n3 {# w2 Q
multinational (n) a company or corporation operating in more than two countries 跨国公司
- q6 @) k, y# O; q! c[同义词] This multinational will branch out into South American.
& ]; M/ g. n! x  
( [8 A  A! ]. q. F0 n/ vN $ f- E! \. ]' k: r7 l
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) (美)全国证券交易商自动化报价系统
" [6 r! s2 g' ~' x3 ]" U% l* l  , Q9 G: ^- V2 c* r, b. x
nationalization (n) the action of making companies under central government control 国有化 # a  h  L1 |( K$ D  K+ |, v
[例]All companies opposed nationalization of the wholesale sector.  6 i! M8 l/ A6 \6 S9 b
[同义词]privatization 9 O& b* Y- G8 D: ]. b
: J. {$ Z  G& j, X+ Qnear money (n) an item that can be easily exchanged into money 准货币 $ Q" J" z: c5 P
[同义词] quasi-money 5 g& U: S  F% K0 z
$ Q! @6 M( Y+ h3 a* @& B9 Dnegotiable [ ni5^EuFjEbl ] (adj.) able to be negotiated subject to agreement可协商解决的,可转让的
. j) W. v9 @3 [0 [/ q+ }[例]  A negotiable bill can be transferred freely. 2 v; _- ^+ g" I9 q) C9 U1 h
" f, N* k0 |+ {negotiate [ ni5^EuFieit ] (v.) discuss with another or others to reach agreement, bargain磋商 % O1 b; x- e9 p( c& A5 s
[同义词]  bargain, deal, debate . x% d; L5 _% w& A" {
  , a' k7 H. c$ a# M& u6 P
negotiation [ ni7^EuFi5eiFEn ] (n.) (often plural) act of bargaining磋商
% o0 n5 z# Y+ f[例]  We are starting our annual pay negotiations next week.

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