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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
merit [ 5merit ]1. (n.) quality of deserving reward优点
6 v8 V$ M) K" ?[例]  The soap has a special curing merit.
# A! d4 _& x* F$ z' y4 P[同义词]  worthiness, excellence, virtue
! J  L; E+ J% g& [2. (v.) deserve值得 5 b# M* w$ _. o7 I* n5 O+ a& h
[同义词]  deserve, be worthy of, be entitled to
  s& H" M! W7 J/ D  5 w6 T$ E6 A/ @1 r
method study (n.) examination of the way something is done to try to find a more efficient or cheaper way the term is widely used to describe engineering efforts to improve productivity, decrease costs, and increase worker satisfaction with the job方法优化研究
% A* I3 @( I2 U7 s: R( a  a    B! {# D/ o4 M% f3 o
mill (n) factory processing materials for finished goods加工厂  
4 t: ^2 F5 k4 P9 Z: r: S[例] a textile mill 0 i7 q# r* {, l- i7 T% I- D
  + ]9 q, V6 N$ t5 q- Q
middleman [5mId(E)lmAn] (n.) person or company that acts as an intermediate step between manufacturer and customer中间商
. ^0 O4 Y' w! T1 S2 u" K3 g: M' R9 P[例]  A wholesaler is a middleman. - p5 d( b8 n- S0 q
[同义词]  agent, broker, dealer, factor , y& p4 u4 Z+ Y; w: S$ u3 ?
1 k9 T# i% U9 o5 b2 Z: Mminimize [5mInImaIz] (v.) make something as small as possible最小化 / |) {, [4 f' Y+ r8 ]
[例]  to minimize risk % d6 M1 n7 }1 Z! Y. h" U9 R
' X6 _1 p* _$ X+ o4 e/ {minutes (n) an official record of the proceedings at a meeting 会议记录
, L% X8 U- v2 h* K/ ]$ ?: E5 }- C9 _- l[例] The secretary took the minutes of the meeting.

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