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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百一十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
passbook (n) a book held by a depositor in which his or her deposits and withdrawals are recorded by the bank [同义词]bankbook . j1 ?' J4 c8 T, {0 m0 G& h8 R4 V# N
  , \* Z4 X7 N* {1 y" Z" F
parent company (n.) company which owns more than 50% of the shares of another company母公司
/ h5 i8 g3 [1 S8 r1 b) B# d; [[例]  The parent company of the complex organization is located in the US.
" q5 g2 T8 }* c  
0 q) N; i5 C/ W9 Q+ A4 Cpart-time (adj.) working for only part of the working day兼职的 / N; a; v( x; G% k5 U
[例]  Part-time employees now have to be nationally insured on exactly the same basis as full-time employees. ; X, D  I5 t! X* h, _
+ W# Q  U, z2 [6 [3 G6 nparticipate [ pB:5tisipeit ] (v.) take part in参与
! ?" P/ @' e+ [+ e9 ?! O" Q[例]  The workshop will be run again next month, so you’ll have an opportunity to participate.
/ J8 w+ S; A. B. k& M: B6 p  
. _# x: ]+ o  B" U* d9 i: [! v& `1 Fparticipation [ pB:7tisi5peiFEn ] (n.)activity of taking part in 参与 # r5 l+ l! L- K9 {! F( |& t
    e9 J; Z7 }% f% S- p
partnership [ 5pB:tnEFip ](n.) business where two or more people share risks and profits合伙经营
6 O# J- u& g. z9 ^$ x3 b' D4 y[例]  They are partnership so that they can share the risks and the profits.
0 A% v" n& }$ [. R2 V( r& r  l6 d    Q* \* ?$ \1 j6 O' m" |
patent [ 5peitEnt, 5pAtEnt ] (n.) official registration of a new invention专利
7 b" j0 c9 U" z, G[例]  This patent right is valid for 5 years. & T, `9 s+ ]% A! |( B
" x& C* L* H+ W; L: _pay-day (n) the day on which employees’ salaries or wages are paid发薪日  7 P& u8 D. n8 n8 G9 a# `4 ]$ K
[例] Oh, I have to wait another week till the pay-day----I can not make ends meet!

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