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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
pipeline [ 5paip7lain ] (n.) channel of flow商品供应线 % z- T; K: K( m6 |
[例]  Are there any new product in the pipeline?
" D# H! p$ L4 e' y. I- M# h  8 R6 \- z( L* c) e* \3 t: o/ r
PIN (personal identification number ) 个人密码
  }2 l  j& \+ ^* |' x. A  7 k$ J) J1 c! X3 l7 h. @3 F2 h
pirate [ 5paiErit ] (v ) to make use of or reproduce (another’s work) without authorization 盗版 # b  F, j$ p, I7 E( Y3 l8 i' z4 C
[例]  Pirated VCDs and DVDs have caused huge loss of movie studios.
8 e! Y9 c7 W1 O9 m) l% {8 E  " {! u( u3 \1 b5 M
pitch [ pitF ] (v.) to attempt to promote or sell, often in a high-pressure manner 销售 7 D  G5 u- ?0 z4 d/ J
[例]  Instead of depending on ads pitched to China’s 56 m people with pcs and Internet access, they have focused on selling online content to the 200 m Chinese with cell phones.   
1 k( [+ c3 |7 H5 i! o' P[同义词]  sell
' d9 [0 ~+ a# s6 ^9 T* ~$ j  0 F: y1 e* w" X: @. C
plant [ plB:nt ] (n.) factory工厂
0 _+ u0 C! |- C+ m# ~2 y, b2 V# f7 D5 r[例]  The fire plant being built is a joint investment project.
2 `# p0 w9 ?* f; j' P$ b* F  # A8 D5 z4 e7 ~& N% |$ x; [: ^
plant capacity (n.) amount which can be produced by a factory工厂设备(生产)能力 9 l; I/ _; S4 P7 A4 E- G- ^2 B
/ |5 W- g0 m- k" ^4 Iplc public limited company 股票上市公司
4 ~* E. m9 |2 q. k' v4 f  
5 C- y3 }" s2 ^/ E5 [2 P+ ~3 lplough back (v.) to reinvest再投资 3 z. a  s  O5 }: _' v! l" T
[例]  All our profits have been ploughed back into the business. # _8 u# i4 B- y: ?
  7 a9 e6 E  \& j
plug (v) to publicize (a product, for example) favorably, as by mentioning on a broadcast公开推荐  
' E- K; R3 F3 B, b9 E, h/ D5 a. E4 P[例] He plugged that new shampoo on the radio giving it a good promotion. , T$ L" c: t2 ~! u4 C* ]
  9 y& ^  f- T$ @6 A/ P: P' X
point of sale (n.) = POS place where a product is sold销售地点  
$ i; o+ v( z. R( O# G! v  
4 M9 C7 G. x. x6 ~% ^3 |policy [ 5pClisi ] (n.) way of doing something方针
, _; |9 C# J: X. v[例]  What is the company policy on discounts?

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