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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
profitability [ 7prCfitE5biliti ] (n.) ability to make a profit盈利能力 % ?( Q) Y2 S2 L5 |4 }
  ! R# v8 R4 n' X
profitable (adj.) which makes a profit有利可图的 9 ]" Q5 c/ G( m6 X7 ]) f
[例]  I will not do that business unless it is profitable. % o+ C: {  v  W- _+ D
[同义词]  lucrative, paying, remunerative % G) R& M; N2 N* o2 _
  3 n+ B9 W4 S4 z! i* n% l
project [ 5prCdVekt ] (n.) plan方案
# J+ i8 x% f4 N& x$ \* A  r6 R[例]  The project sounds fascinating but infeasible.
4 U3 u3 N7 [* w, t: ]# `; ?2 H  
/ w" ?( ?% T$ a# f6 L$ o/ zprojected (adj.) planned/forecast计划/预测的 3 r- R. |: b7 ^- t3 p, e: B4 F, J
5 l1 \% L, b' ^# L. A" epromote [ prE5mEut ] (v.) 1. give someone a better job晋升   D+ J# T* F3 k: g1 a1 \3 P
[例]  Up to now we’ve promoted the analyst/programmers to junior project leaders.  
4 C5 n1 o3 y  J# Y% x1 h2. advertise 促销
% e) N/ N1 G) Y7 \7 }' Q3 z& S9 |  + ~+ G5 b# u. K
promotion [ prE5mEuFEn ] (n.) 1. act of giving someone a better job晋升 ' g$ y! @2 G6 z5 [* ?, V
[例]  He got a promotion for the high sales volume this month.
3 l5 c# \/ n% C4 i) k2. all means of communicating a message about a product or service促销
: l: P8 a3 u5 T5 F. o[例]  The failure of the new product promotion lies in the business secrets release by someone.

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