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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
profit [ 5prCfit ] (n.) money gained from doing business利润 # i  ]* I  N( I" M% O9 k
[例]  We gain profit from the experience.  . L% |; n& r+ `+ v! [6 x7 ~; @
' A# W* k# m- s, }operating profit (n.) profits from normal trading of a company营业利润 4 V5 c! c# q9 ~3 u* y3 C
  1 q! x* N2 t3 G0 M1 a- x
profit and loss account (n.) accounts showing income and expenditure损益帐户
/ e: o4 {! L$ F6 g( O7 ?[例]  Income statement belongs to profit and loss account because it can show us income and expenditure. 5 h4 h& w+ J# o, q1 U) S
  $ W5 v: p4 b& }" k2 D
press [ pres ] (n.) newspapers and magazines新闻媒介 3 |/ o# A& \% y$ X) n% d
[例]  Using press to advertise is an effective method to enlarge the influence of the brand. - ~3 C( }2 }- A# ~5 S- r9 f
  - F' m6 V8 S# F0 Z1 D/ _" j
market price price which people are willing to pay 市场价
0 Z7 {# n8 K7 h9 ?- H2 T8 Y  
4 x2 W' P0 E+ `6 ~retail price price paid by final customer零售价
1 |+ b$ t4 t* \& V* D+ X* y: k[例]  Actually the retail price is reasonably set for our end users.
+ c* M# Z$ h- ]* C% _  
8 `4 p9 J! H2 n. Q% F; y% oprofit [ 5prCfit ] (n.) money gained from doing business利润 . C& Y! \0 e# V
[例]  In this report, the proposed plan to build a supermarket in that densely populated area can bring immeasurable profits.
1 d' e+ u; u- xoperating profit profits from normal trading of a company营业利润

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