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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
publication [ 7pQbli5keiFEn ] (n.) thing which has been published, such as a book, magazine出版,出版物 5 j+ ^) i: f/ [
[例]  The publication of this magazine proves the victory of the left-wing party. " ?+ [8 j' T3 K- X6 e, a" K
1 |7 G3 {  c! cpublicity [ pQb5lisiti ] (n.) the process of attracting the attention of the general public to products or services宣传推广 - D- ~7 \6 P1 t! y
[例]  We need generous samples for the sake of publicity.
! U: f2 _& G5 |  
. }+ K* [% c. [publics [ 5pQbliks ] (n.) group of people categorized for PR purposes公众 1 i) ?6 ]4 H6 h2 ^) B( Z
[例]  We believe this material will appeal to the general publics.
) E7 d+ ^, |! G0 V+ @  E5 [* ]    v: S# X, h; O# j7 W
punctual [ 5pQNktjuEl ] (adj.) on time准时的
# o' }6 ]) N, A6 N4 Q[例]  Be punctual or you will be embarrassed before the senior managers ( \, v: |6 P  p6 y7 I
. 3 g2 I2 M; C7 m% a2 \* F
purchase [ 5pE:tFEs ]1. (n.) something which has been bought购买
6 B' |( _- A  Y, O$ w" N[例]  It will be cheaper to make a quantity purchase.
/ Y' A+ `$ e7 p& Z- S9 z2. (v.) buy购买
) ?, h: @, U& M9 A  d* B! v5 m. R: l6 Y/ h; X( z# d" V

& w, ^3 y2 s9 y+ J0 L% G" M$ Apurchaser [ 5pE:tFEsE ] (n.) person who buys for a company采购员

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