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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
proprietor [ prE5praiEtE ] (n.) one who owns or owns and manages a business or other such establishment.所有者,经营者
* c0 s* z$ G7 Q6 @7 R[例]  The proprietor’s son will take over when Mr. Richards retires in two years.   Y# }/ M, Q: {7 O/ X
[同义词]  owner, possessor, holder " r/ }$ i7 l3 Y4 i$ s3 j3 U% e7 M
  0 p- R1 j5 }% V- a+ j
prospective [ prEs5pektiv ] (adj.) likely to become or be 潜在的 4 _( w- |/ @% |; U
[例]  our prospective customers * m9 ]9 A  y' D: i5 Z
[同义词]  future, coming, approaching 0 }$ P$ s# }2 Q! v1 M7 u% ^
7 d+ k! g8 H) \! l& fprospectus [ prEs5pektEs ] (n.) 1. sales document which tries to convince the customer, usually using a serious approach广告宣传资料 $ N9 C/ I% \5 a8 ~" r; c3 o
[例]  Would you please revise the draft of this important prospectus in a more convincing tone?
0 S, x2 d' g& j+ V: s2. document issued by a company offering shares for sale招股说明书 2 g  p" g2 g& Y( z
4 K1 r! _; F9 d7 n3 n6 l/ X' Dprototype [ 5prEutEtaip ] (n.) first model of a new product原型
& F9 A9 w- g3 S: {7 Z[例]  The prototype of the car will be exhibited in a grand show this spring.
& l2 s  i' f( ~' r( a% w( o" n[同义词]  original, archetype ; F8 z# G+ E! p0 ~
  0 R/ l1 P9 R6 M8 D# y0 h% P
provisionally (adj.) temporarily 临时地
' Q8 H2 G6 }# P( K: J* S[例]  I have provisionally booked Room W72 for Wednesday morning. . c. u0 J; P$ k5 m
. I1 ]/ V4 M* _+ H3 Q" _2 Hpublic sector nationalized industries国有企业

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