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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
redundancy [rI5dQndEnsI] (n.) state of having lost one’s job失业 9 ~! ^  k: K* j( I. M9 {
[例]  The redundancy of the father means the family has lost its income resource.
* P) ]9 e& O6 O& O- A, O  * `& O: i0 F  A3 \  c; ^0 }6 E
reference [ 5refrEns ] (n.) written report on someone’s personality and/or ability, often written by a previous employer推荐(信)
" M% j% ?+ ~; _[例]  If you want to open an offshore account in HK, a reference letter from your present bank is necessary.
0 G2 `6 H3 s( U: F5 S[同义词]  recommendation
+ l4 V" B4 L% }* ~$ ]& f4 y, Z9 j$ `2 r  2 J9 O' @: Y8 K1 d* y' O
refund [ ri:5fQnd ]1. (n.) money paid back退款
" z. K" L. Y; \7 @2. (v.) pay back money退款
! O7 Q2 |+ \! C: _3 r6 ]- P: t5 Y& W1 ~[例]  The money will be refunded if the goods are faulty.
' O1 E/ J& o1 z  \  
) s) `: C- E9 [* s- v1 Vrefurbish [ ri:5fE:biF ] (v.) to make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate 刷新,创新 0 G% h+ C: l- {
[例]  refurbish our store for better profile 0 _6 g8 ?1 E+ ]; b' }. O
4 u% X( A$ D. @: n( ^- Z  u3 eregion [ 5ri:dVEn ] (n.) an area of interest or activity; a sphere区域 % X$ K' C8 V1 m) [* w$ i- S& s/ N: T
[例]  She is the chief representative of the east region.
: Y8 q; b% G: u  $ G0 {4 u4 u" x: k! K' Z! ]  B# f
regular customer (n) a person who goes to the same place or uses the same service frequently 老顾客 1 V, ]0 p* O1 k  C
[例] She is one of our regular customers and receives many priorities.
3 v( v6 i! d( p. V6 H  
  ]: i$ L& Q! J- Q% }reimburse [ 7ri:im5bE:s ] (v.) to pay back偿还 3 o- ~6 r% O7 C' q
[例]  We will reimburse you (for) the additional premium.
% o" }) E6 c$ ?2 F. j& `[同义词]  repay, refund
; c7 S4 v. |$ h9 ]" _  / y, G: y* a( V- ~  J0 O+ ]% N
reimbursement (n.) money paid back付还, 补偿
  O! ?7 u' n7 E8 \[例]  In reimbursement (of these expenses), please draw on us.
. D, ~6 n' [. A/ l( Q. e6 J  3 w4 W, W4 l+ |
reinsure (v) to insure again, especially by transferring in whole or in part a risk or contingent liability already covered under an existing contract 分保(以降低风险)
% J5 W. |' _& b5 v9 g9 O8 X[例] This is a highly risky project and should be reinsured to reduce investment risk.

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