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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
raw [ rC: ] (adj.) in its original, unprocessed state未加工的 # E* f7 N  _8 e
raw materials substances used as a base for manufacturing 原料 # a4 y! l2 T0 S  Y- v6 z" J
[例]  The cost of the raw materials is surprisingly high.
: m7 M0 p$ P7 B- C3 K8 F  
1 A' |! m$ v- ]reallocate [ri:5AlEkeIt] (v.) allocate again 再分配 & r4 g5 y6 h. K8 u  K1 p2 E6 ^
[例]  reallocate the responsibility  0 x: Q$ w$ Q: N. Q1 Q
0 W- J5 F0 P. _. a" U0 ^! n5 @% \& Trebate (n) a deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment 退款 $ d. R% I' f3 e5 G1 A
[例] He is qualified for a tax rebate according to the new policy.
. `/ N/ ^6 {- d/ T* b# q  ) Q& g+ l$ Q) K2 }. T/ D
receipt [ ri5si:t ] (n.) piece of paper showing that money has been paid or something received收条 ! d2 T* r: ]# Y; d# ?& n( t
[例]  a receipt for items purchased
$ j9 [, t- g, Z  J  ) }$ e$ d7 c( ~! F) I0 u
accounts receivable money owed to the company应收帐款
2 _; N$ u" s2 z/ B4 t5 |- J8 Q[例]  The account receivable amounts to 1 million dollars.
# O0 ^9 s8 r$ X% ]  
$ [7 r+ a7 }; Y2 `) I: Wreceiver [ ri5si:vE ] (n.) government official appointed to run a company in serious financial difficulty破产案产业管理人; 涉讼财产管理人
/ _# O7 Y3 p0 g/ H* P[例]  The receiver was asked to deal with fund shortage of that company. ) ]! Q) q& x6 ~( H1 y
0 m) T* e/ X4 ^: `receivership [rI5si:vEFIp] (n.) the hands of a receiver破产在管
2 r3 ]6 U; \, D" J6 r' _[例]  The company was put into receivership.
+ z3 ~7 \0 {4 v  ; J5 Z0 W7 {- H- B/ y  }) Z; A( h
receptionist [rI5sepFEnIst] (n.) an office worker employed chiefly to receive visitors and answer the telephone接待员 " l& _. A6 y$ i7 A
[例]  She is the head receptionist of the hotel.
" Q7 a6 k& T8 N$ U! h2 E  m# I  $ H# [0 I- R. G' \- c
recession [ ri5seFEn ] (n.) period of low economic activity不景气,衰退期
2 u6 u' a  R" T2 v7 g3 Q2 u[例]  There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.
6 e1 w' J4 C' K+ ]4 G5 X0 C5 N0 |[同义词]  depressed  market
3 ~& L& r. S! s- d, B+ o3 v+ i    C) j2 ~2 g# ]% \/ g  c
recognize [ 5rekE^naiz ] (v.) accept认为 & D# i, P& R( I# ^7 N
[例]  Unions are recognized by the management and negotiate on behalf of the workforce. 3 @; D, R- v. z! @  ?! s& P; e
) T, M- G0 }, o4 `+ @recognition [ 7rekE^5niFEn ] (n.) acceptance, acknowledgement承认 % z$ N2 V+ B! N0 a, r" A
[例]  a recognition of their civil rights 3 t/ |2 I+ V' A
  ! G0 L/ Y/ @; |
recoup [ ri5ku:p ] (v.) get back money获得补偿
2 n. v$ U! b! U+ o5 A, V2 Z[例]  We recouped our investment in two years.

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