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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
random check to check by random 随机抽查 + X6 t: p. J. B+ v1 |+ a' M
  " ]; f1 D2 W6 X" l, K3 ]
range [ reindV ] (n.) series of products which the customer can choose from(产品)系列 8 W7 B/ o) g8 C; B
[例]  This type of shoes covers a wide range of color and size. - K$ M: g6 m, V2 o! m; V( z+ C6 f$ W
9 p+ i. i, e  V0 wrank [ rANk ]1.(n.) position in a company of list职位
; m, X% i) l. z  n2 i6 o" N[例]  He has a high rank in the company. 5 s' I2 K! Q" B
2. (v.) classify in order of importance排名 $ f, {- U4 J7 k4 @
[例]  The company is ranked 6th in the world. 1 ?9 d& O. B: k" V* q0 U
+ }) d# \9 Q* E  Y! Rrapport [ rA5pC:t ] (n.) close or easy relationship友善 4 m8 s. S3 L* Q4 q9 U
[例] At the first stage of an interview, the interviewer needs to make the candidate feel at his/her ease, develop rapport and set the scene.
2 S! J' J- r9 ?# Y2 H[同义词]  harmony $ ~2 J% }, t  O9 ~! b
  5 q3 l& o3 j9 [; j, D
rate [ reit ] (n.) money charged for a certain time or at a certain percentage比率 : Y5 @& J- n# _
[例]  If you will bring over 50,000 USD deposit, then we can provide you a better interest rate. ( T; m: q/ U3 I3 g; a2 C: Q4 \# ]
: B0 L* r2 h" B" s8 s; Wfixed rate  rate which cannot be changed
/ f, g! V8 A  ?4 j3 R- {# C9 N  2 ?% L. |" _- Z4 F
going rate usual rate of payment 3 Q' P9 e& b% Y5 b' B: X6 r  b
  . n1 g4 d1 I1 D: p7 \# J
rating [ 5reitiN ] (n.) result of measuring something评级 , u/ Z) c6 d% w/ c
[例]  Ratings can then be used to compare jobs to one another. 7 J0 r3 V2 a% U% P5 O6 D
( H  N9 n1 ~: P/ B1 \+ ~  Sratio [ 5reiFiEu ] (n.) proportion of something compared to another thing比率
& P5 e/ @" F$ ^1 n- B4 H[例]  Our liquidity ratio is not healthy.  3 B; L4 I, h8 {* ^+ }5 B  c
[同义词]  proportion, percentage
- h: L4 C2 }& i& H, V3 T  P  
. u3 B3 U  |2 J! Irationalize [ 5rAFEnElaiz ] (v.) make more efficient, streamline合理化
) s; l+ V+ F) v! g* O# @[例]  We should rationalize production step by step.  
' U4 m/ L9 ^; ]3 R* g5 C: h. i; ?% _  + s( H/ J2 b, ^/ z- e, t' J! \" X
rationalization [ 7rAFEnElai5zeiFEn ] (n.) the activity  making something more efficient合理化

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