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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
racket (n) a dishonest business or practice, especially one that obtains money through fraud or extortion 诈骗钱财
+ a. I, y7 F5 O$ y& ]  A& U) W; P[例] They are making a good living by a smuggling and racket.
9 a1 h- d# s* G  
. V2 c1 g3 \$ h8 E: q5 nrally (n) a notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline 价格骤然回升
. x' G+ s" c* o5 Y+ |0 L" V5 ^[例] a rally in share
8 t% q4 S# F* b1 {* u7 Y8 @  
4 ]0 ]8 j4 p4 c( e6 E5 b8 Mrate of return (n) the amount of profit ,dividend or interest received from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the original investment 收益率 5 h% e$ K5 T# r+ m. Q! [$ j
[例] Your investment will absolutely receive a poor rate of return. 3 b# |; b) \& X; g: ^
  B+ M, L6 [3 _' J9 S- M9 wrating (n)the popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience收视(听)率  
8 |3 n2 @! R; `: U0 C  R. H5 F[例] This radio programme has a very high rating among teenagers.
7 ^6 d! [8 l! h2 H3 V, w& D  
, I+ N" u  C( c/ s0 nR&D  research and development研发  6 \4 d6 J+ q% b
[例]  Dept. of R&D
+ d. w7 `9 _) }" X+ l  + d0 L: B* V' w! d; w% S  J
raise  [ reiz ] (n.) increase in salary涨薪水 ! E- u7 j: s+ `9 e, Z
[例]   She asked for a raise.  - q5 ^: v7 M0 y1 E9 ^9 q. n( h6 G
(v.) 1. increase增加
6 N% i% E3 l  N0 |; T; p" c[例]  We raised the dividend by 5%.
2 p: ]" j4 e' d2.obtain获得 3 V$ _# f7 i+ b" H- f
[例]  We are trying to raise $50,000 on the money market.
  a4 e  ?: w+ I  ^* [3 h3. bring up in discussion提出
# j0 @' \* [+ N. D[例]  We raised the question of prices at the board meeting.

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