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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
relief [ ri5li:f ] (n.)tax relief减免(税)
1 C9 r  N. A5 ?8 _- ][例]  We are hoping to get tax relief on the new investment. % n6 F6 w* i/ q5 r1 Q! T& w4 N
  4 E! X* s5 E; t8 o
relocate [ 5ri:lEu5keit ] (v.) to move a person or a company to another place重新安置 7 w3 D: k3 X" R: z+ \$ `
[例]  This company will be relocated in Pudong New Area. # u$ T! L: W5 y) y' I3 y) ]& c- P) H
  4 A, ]: E$ {$ y0 J4 [6 c
relocation [ 5ri:lEu5keiFEn ] (n.) process of moving a person or a company to another place再分配,重新安置
- V7 v! D5 L" D0 f& q[例] The relocation of industry caused the dissatisfaction of workers. 6 P* X5 T/ O& _
  ( D9 U, U( z1 s) M  n
remit (v) 1. to send money by post 汇寄 3 m; s" }) H0 p+ r* I+ f- `
[例] She remits home money every month.  $ W; }: Y6 f1 z' D) L' j: B; m
2.to cancel a debt, tax or payment 免除 ) V8 i4 Y4 |: T5 ~$ @
[例] School remitted all his tuition and fees for his outstanding grades. 1 j$ p: m3 _% N& o) x4 A
5 }3 o0 c( i2 l5 y0 J9 tremuneration [ ri7mju:nE5reiFEn ] (n.) pay报酬   ?* G/ s' ?: ^$ M/ {! g& B& @) h* ~
[例]  They worked in a poor condition and earned meager remuneration. 9 m8 }' Z+ v+ Q+ t1 G$ }' Y& \
  " w, I' }, R4 k( A. N5 G
remunerative[ ri5mju:nErEtiv ](adj) 1.profitable 有利可图的
! S& A! m# I9 D: x. a" N[例] a remunerative business
+ f% ?* f' Y: D3 ]4 h+ ?2.well-paid 报酬高的
" X: y! Y0 b6 n  p, M[例]a remunerative job
- Q3 \$ P# X& L0 u5 ]7 }3 e  
4 I0 S# x  ?7 x. S; U1 Z5 xrender (v) to submit for payment发出,开出  
* I; V( @2 I2 ~; n* E# ]* j[例] render an account
& Z9 \! f9 x, t, R, N1 e  * a, w+ x' p8 q) y9 s
rent [ rent ]1. (n.) money paid to use an office/property for a period of time租金
# N) t1 W: k$ b, l( B[例]  The rent income could be levied tax. , `# O; i& q0 {; U4 q
2. (v.) pay money for the use of offices etc.付租金
  h9 c6 G8 Q  D, r0 o  
- ]! U' Q1 s5 }! O4 B% nRep (n.) abbreviation for representative”代表”的缩写 3 H( p3 b4 `7 D  u2 w2 V0 u
[例]  The first Rep office has been opened in mainland China. ! H/ ?3 n: y! F! X5 [6 I. O$ q
: v: l, R  O* S& U; s& ereport to (v.) be under (someone)在(某人)直接管理下
- B, V+ p6 h! ~  H6 J1 e[例]  Then there are four managers who report to me.

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