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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读需掌握的关键句05

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. "more than +动词"结构,这种结构表示动词的程度,可译为"异常","岂止","十二分地"等。  : X+ J& E" J$ {) y5 {8 C' u
  This more than satisfied me. $ o% p) t' T- Y  m/ P( X6 ^- M9 C8 h
  2. "good and …"的副词用法,译为"非常","很"等。类似还有"nice and …", "fine and …," "lovely and …", "bright and …", "rare and …", "big and …"等,均表示程度。
) w% [4 m" R3 D; {3 C( R1 D" b& `  The apples are good and ripe. ' C/ s! w6 U' S
  3. "and that"结构,这个"and that"应译为"而且……",表示对它前面陈述部分的语气加强,"that"代表前面的整个陈述部分。
5 A8 K% d7 i, ~  Return to your work , and that at once. ) F9 H, m/ P  d$ g# q
  4. "at once…and"结构,这个结构译为"既……又……",起相关连接的作用,相当于"both…and…"。 ) b) c' a  O7 q; ~
  The novel is at once pleasing and instructive. 2 h7 |( D) `6 k6 U- a( u
  5. "in that…"结构,这个结构的意思是"在那一点上(方面)"可译为"因为"。类似的结构还有"in this…"。 % }- w; }6 g: p$ q0 {% C  x7 c
  The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.
9 V* Z: Y6 O0 C8 e  6. "the name notwithstanding"结构,这个结构中"notwithstanding"是介词,这个介词可以置前,可以置后,比如也可写成:"notwithstanding the name"。起让步状语的作用。 $ F% Y4 |0 {2 ]4 p
  Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored.But this is an entirely wrong conception, the name notwithstanding.
. _. j, `. S; P  7. "Every…not"和"All…not"结构,"Every…not"表示"不见得每个……都是……";"All…not"表示"不见得所有……都是……"的意思。 1 O; \6 N. U! m" s/ n, s' x0 o
  Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen.

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