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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读汉译英对照03

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这个,呃,我看可以。您想透支多少? Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. Whats your proposition?  
3 j  v' Q1 @5 r2 M0 h% U. u  这笔透支要利息吗? Is there any interest on this money?
: ^4 p0 R1 Z& G+ e, }  是的,先生。本月12日这一天您的帐户上透支了15美元。 Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.
4 i: I1 d/ W2 x! D' p- @% K  根据规定,先生,您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了。 According to the regulations, sir, youll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid. 3 q1 e2 e/ a: o# i7 O2 A; q
  我想买些旅行支票。 I want to buy some travellers checks.
' b5 ~5 E4 K7 U' R& |8 [! w5 o  听说你们储蓄率刚调过,是真的吗? I have been told you have just changed the interest rate on savings accounts. Is that true?
$ E: j4 H* A$ J  g8 G3 L  您支票本带来了没有? Have you got your cheque book with you? 1 @8 X" b. d4 {
  您要转帐的金额。 The amount you want to transfer. 7 z, s0 C( Z2 d4 C( s" D
  大概在3天后,支票就可以兑现了。 The cheque will be cleared in about three days. ) K1 C- L: Z6 Y  ?+ s2 W) w' T! s
  噢,原来是这样,那我再去查查看。 I see. Ill go and check.
* T+ ]* P- g1 ^, y; g* x5 B  我能否用万事达卡来兑换些钱吗? Hello, may I change some money with my Master card?

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