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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读汉译英对照14

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们到火车站乘出租车。 Well get a taxi from the station.  
- W& p$ Q& J9 J+ h* s  我们可搭乘机场班车。 Theres a shuttle bus we can use.
0 n! G0 J2 L' s  我开车来的,所以我开车送你到旅馆。 Ive brought my car, so I can drive you to your hotel. ! {! X6 e7 j$ ~
  你一定饿了,我们吃点东西好吗? You must be hungry. Shall we get something to eat?
! O, J' {9 Q7 h5 I" D% _  那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。 That sounds good. Lets get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired.
# q* q2 {, M$ I6 c. F" g4 b  你想吃饭吗? Would you like to have some dinner? 2 I1 J; v" S$ f+ E
  你想吃什么呢? What would you like to eat?
% ~  w( [$ R9 p. z  我带你出去吃饭好吗?这次我请客。 Can I take you out to dinner? Itll be my treat. 3 |; A8 I8 V8 j& E' O
  如果你饿了,我们现在就去吃饭。 If youre hungry, we can eat dinner now.
! V! f1 H! v& Q' _0 H7 t0 X  你吃过早餐了吗? Have you had breakfast yet? 1 P4 a- A5 D( r$ N! R
  是的,味道很好。 Yes. It was delicious. & t" o$ q4 c6 l: B) x* f# y
  好的,我们去办公室吧。 Good. Lets go to the office. 1 I" v' o+ Y" A7 b& x( @9 e0 R- I
  你的房间怎样? How is your room?
. Y$ R2 Q% m- ^1 X# {& V  你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you sleep well last night? 8 E, _+ ]# L/ M3 x* K% E% c
  为何我们现在不去办公室呢? Why dont we go to the office now?

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