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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读汉译英对照15

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放15分钟。 Well start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes.  # A' N. r. x* p  r( j/ Q" X( t% A0 |
  参观大概要一个半小时,3点钟以前回到这里。 The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00.
! _, T3 I9 s3 \# t, q% L# |# y' i  我们新的生产线非常成功,我们今年已把工厂扩展了两倍。 Our new product line has been very successful. Weve expanded the factory twice this year already.
* Q* @0 z& k8 e: S. `  我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗? I’d like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular youd like to know?
) M  [3 O, i/ c( m8 ?! z  我们还有一些报告向你介绍背景资料。 We have some reports to show you for background information.
' q' w6 e% A( X, `6 G/ U  你们工厂和其他塑胶工厂有何差别呢? Is your factory any different from other plastics factories?
: G8 |, K8 z- Y1 n5 z  是的,我们的生产速度是其他工厂两倍。 Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average. & z- N7 z' t& c5 Q/ ]1 b$ v
  我要向你说明本工厂的特性。 I’d like to explain what makes this factory special.
* X* F, I3 w* ^8 N/ O  这是我们的全自动化工厂。 This is the most fully-automated factory we have. * [- @2 X5 Z8 a0 F5 @# z4 M
  这是同业中最新型的。 Its the most up-to-date in the industry.
* B0 U3 x' e  y! j# I; |4 G  通过自动化我们的效率增加了20%. Weve increased our efficiency by 20% through automation. % D2 o; A1 B6 d& u2 w3 U1 @
  请你告诉我每件成品的生产成本好吗? Could you tell me the cost of production per unit? & }5 p) `+ d0 j/ A0 x3 X
  恐怕我不知道,让我来询问一下该组的负责人。 I’m afraid I dont know. Let me ask the supervisor in this section.

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