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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(32)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
X2500将会改变你在办公室的工作。 The X2500 will change your work in the office.   我们现在有五种不同的型号供你选择。 We now have five different models to choose from.
2 ~3 Y' \/ F* G) ^+ I  各位女士各位先生,现在你们有任何问题我都乐意答复。 Now, ladies and gentlemen, i'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have.! b% Z& s" F  Z+ }
  还有什么问题吗? Are there any questions?
" N' M" d  \6 j0 Q! J* \  就这一点你们还有什么问题吗? Do you have any questions at this point?
0 L4 m( {3 h- e1 o  如果你们没有问题了,我可以进行下一阶段吗? If you have no questions, may I go on to the next stage?) k, t! }' F9 ?
  现在,我乐意答复你们的问题。 Now, i'd be happy to answer your questions.
5 F9 ^0 W. M4 r$ [( W+ B0 x  我乐意接受任何人提出的任何问题。 I'd like to allow anyone to ask whatever questions they may have.考试用书
5 E/ Y$ d  ?$ r( o1 A; Q  你的问题是我们是如何发展我们的产品? Your question is how we developed our product?$ j8 H2 \3 u, ?; |! P  b; y' X
  你们并未听说过,问题是产品多快能上市。 For those of you that didnt hear it, the question was how soon we could expect the product to be on sale.
# F" l3 h* t5 @' |# h* \' v; Q  什么时间能发货呢? When can we expect its delivery?
- z7 y! o  e- A1 k, y6 Y  产品已投产了,所以月底前你可以获得。 Its already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month.! P, E5 s  J" U
  你希望此种商品何时上市出售呢? When do you expect to have this ready for sale?

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