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[综合辅导] 2012年下半年商务英语初级考试复习指导(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年下半年商务英语初级考试复习指导(5)2 o9 w% J; ^( ^) t0 n6 k5 M
6 ^% f/ n5 A' x1 t, i2 c  services(劳务), primary commodities(初级产品), absolute advantage(绝对利益), comparative advantage(比较利益), quota(配额), customs union(关税同盟), ad valorem duty(从价税), specific duties(从量税), drawback(退税), MFN(最惠国待遇), non-tariff barrier(非关税壁垒).
) e6 H# A+ K9 B- f/ C  考点:
5 K  q* L- @3 C  1. 国际贸易的定义(definition):
5 x: m6 u7 [! G/ ^5 e" ~7 C6 n  It refers to the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another
1 z7 V$ W2 z9 ]; y* P, r, ^  2. 国际贸易的两个缘由( Two reasons for international trade)
' v/ |5 O, p; _- L9 h" s9 h  a. the uneven distribution of natural resources among countries
& D  N9 {8 J6 T: D# x# U( a  b. international specialization(国际专业化)) v  T, r  ]% R8 |
  3. 国际专门化的两个理论(Two theories for international specialization)
% R; v6 b4 i4 w  a. The theory of absolute advantage(绝对利益理论):
) T; c, W" a. o3 G  a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land, and labour)
/ t3 M) K/ k$ O! E% U3 E5 Z5 H5 |9 B$ N5 n
  b. The theory of comparative advantage(相对对利益理论):

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of producing both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.
: u' b1 T6 k# s4 ~$ _% X) K  4. 关税壁垒和非关税壁垒( tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers)
+ ?, n; i. Y2 H/ H# R; E3 n* H  a. tariff barriers: export duty(进口税), import duty(出口税), ----specific duties 从量税9 B" `1 v$ h5 z+ _
  ad valorem duty. 从价税) ]" q! ~& ~) ~# u" f. K
  Compound duty 混合税
! V* b: c  {' C5 ^" a  b. non-tariff barriers: quotas----the most common form of non-tariff barriers5 r7 Q# W5 g! ]. ?
  5. 翻译练习
3 V: c7 s' k" X+ F  a. 比较优势理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石考试用书
3 @% [/ n9 ~5 D; M/ z# z' t3 R  Comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade
& T8 V: _8 x  r0 X  b.关税壁垒是限制贸易最常见的形式# h7 L* ^0 Q% K4 r1 Q" b1 L
  Tariff barriers are the most common forms of trade restriction.
* _( Z# n# V/ f  R" ^* \/ w( }  Lesson 7 Incoterms 2000
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