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[综合辅导] 2012商务英语常见场景介绍--Project Reporting(02)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们继续往下:   B: And what were the results like?
/ J" T" M: N9 E2 P% U) v  M: Very encouraging. Sales reached their target and generally consumer reaction was good.7 O+ C; @6 s1 K, D  V" L
  B: So what was the next step?8 y3 [$ D1 y- _6 |. ^% {
  M: Well, as you know, the plan was to move to a national launch fairly quickly. We had planed January this year for a major TV advertising campaign.( g8 h1 a. O" F
  Bill又继续问了结果怎样:, l/ h4 {$ h3 S9 B8 N$ C2 o
  what were the results like?
0 c- U5 n5 Q/ O, M( y8 B  Michael首先用了encouraging,来表示这次投放实验是很成功的。形容词encouraging表示show positive results, 看来结果是"非常令人振奋"的;
: ^! y5 y( n8 [: f; e1 ]  "sales reached their target"
8 c/ ~5 A2 y3 c* Q. s8 k  表示"销售额达到了预期的目标"。而且总体来说,consumer reaction was good 消费者的反应也不错; 但是Bill听到了这个好消息,并没有就此结束询问。因为他更关心的是下一步如何大规模地推出产品,所以接着追问道:
& [; A" ?4 x' q; m  what was the next step?
3 G6 P1 ^. K% S  (下一步计划是什么?)0 }! `# I* L9 i+ ~3 ]' S7 o9 W
  Michael赶紧解释:"你知道,按这个计划很快就要在全国投放产品。我们本来打算在今1月份进行一次主要以电视为媒介的大型宣传活动。" 这里,你听到Michael回答中的关键词语了吗?
' O1 d, t7 E/ ~! O* W  TV advertising campaign
2 q& ]6 S" f1 Z( m$ D* S  在商业上,campaign这个词表示的就是"一系列有计划的活动",比如说这里的TV advertising campaign就表示"以电视为媒介的广告促销活动",还有- M+ v7 R4 C4 h( Q5 E3 p1 I0 D
  promotion campaign
4 h4 ^. m& |2 s  (市场促销活动)5 Q+ F' k& P1 o! l, @
  B: So what's gone wrong?中华考试网5 s" [$ q) P9 y0 N. i$ E+ W
  M: Basically , we've had problems in production. It seems that scaling up production for a national launch has been much more difficult than expected.
1 b3 @6 `7 y1 V# c( T  _3 C  原订的计划没有得到执行,这令Bill感到不太满意。但是他还是想先弄清楚问题出在哪里了,
( }: O8 ~( `9 v( d- R/ d  因此他问道:
0 @9 ?0 R1 Z3 P* t  what's gone wrong?(出什么问题了?)
2 r' \* R6 m' @. F; P  Michael的解释中有这么几个要点:3 x) E# A8 C0 q: ~4 \
  problems in production中 华 考 试 网
1 Y  o5 a: i8 K$ z$ d: ~  (生产上有问题)* E$ P- H2 P+ R5 ]
  scale up production6 k, w5 A' C- s  F% S, G6 h0 J
7 K3 Y0 t- Q# k+ _) e  scale up的意思就是increase to greater volume(增加、扩大);而launch表示的是"投放",national launch就表示"在全国投放",所以Michael的解释就是"在全国投放,需要增加产量,比预计的要困难"。: h2 T( `" c. O* `; |$ l

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