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[BEC真题] 剑桥商务英语中级第四辑真题阅读精讲(20)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% W% b3 l) T! t9 z8 T( Q3 v8 hThe Myth of the Paperless Office
% d9 E0 |$ E# H2 i5 {4 q7 l" c& w0 The concept of a paperless office grew with the advance of technology. It was
$ o0 G/ O8 ]" p8 J- @: ^7 C00 widely been claimed that as email became commonplace, people would stop
6 I. V8 ~& i$ U& O. t5 W34 writing memos, keeping bulky files and bringing piles of paper to the meetings.& S4 {, N9 \) K6 ]
35 But the reality has in fact been quite the reverse, and paper, having already4 z* o9 h6 j& ^4 b' b9 m
36 survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably/ `) L' B% N4 H, j; T) Q6 n. Y: N; J% t
37 resilient. Worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to5 J9 y0 S: P1 E' t
38 rise up, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount( B; m+ d* P: v7 Q4 m! f
39 it consumed in the UK. So, has technology failed in its aim to end the use of
9 k% a! P+ M6 v4 d% @' a- T40 paper? Max Bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust computers.$ }( C( C# j" q9 F4 Z
41 ‘Technology is unreliable in most of people's eyes,’ he says. 'If you are sent an
9 l9 ?* }4 i9 c2 W* g42 important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the
; @9 I0 y1 |; Y  S43 fear that it might have get deleted.’ In contrast, Paul Blunt, a marketing) r1 E5 @9 L' y5 ^8 i
44 manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress in4 @' q3 E$ Y1 d" z- R- D% f
45 automating a wide range of tasks, even though the transition between has been more of an evolution than a revolution.; j/ R) Q6 T. J7 D% c" a
《The Myth of the Paperless Office》,无纸化办公室神话。讲的是新技术对现代办公的影响。
1 q/ u/ F: t/ g- f8 E; [34题,meeting在这里不是特殊指代,只是叙述的一般情况。不需要使用定冠词the。3 |- L/ p0 _8 C6 Y7 g/ g, ~( S
35题,正确的. z0 k8 i) Z% @4 z$ h7 W( g: o
36题,和上面的部分联系起来作为一个整体来考虑。paper, having already survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably resilient.中间的部分是插入语,可以不考虑,所以完整的应该是paper has proved remarkably resilient。主谓宾非常齐全,and是多余的。resilient是适应力强的,有弹力的。5 x, Y8 L( u, ^4 Z  i
1 d# i( M/ X  B) T7 H' x( r38题,持续增长,用rise,rise up是起义的意思。
8 G, i- Z: e4 X: ^4 e: c2 v39题,the amount consumed in the UK,consumed也是后置定语,表示英国的消费总量。it多余。# R+ O: _7 @7 i9 s
$ P  U4 U5 l/ \' f$ u# M41题,in most people’s eyes在大多数人的眼里,of多余。& K* V6 ?8 q- x) ]; t; x2 z
) A+ n& W8 O6 l! C* E+ _& D43题,might have done表示可能已经做了某事,而这里的意思是指电子邮件等可能会被删除,不用have,去掉。
4 h/ `- a$ l, h* _. ]4 s& }7 n2 N44题,Paul Blunt, a marketing manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress。中间的部分是插入成分,不予考虑。完整的是Paul Blunt (who) says there has been significant progress.主语是人,谓语是says,后面是宾语,成分齐全,who是多余的。
" S" i- t5 }2 H2 n4 W, V45题,the transition between has been more of an evolution than a revolution.依然是一个完整的句子,成分齐全,transition是主语,has been是谓语,between是多余的。

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