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[BEC真题] 历年BEC商务英语中级考试真题(36)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
C 1 Listen to what your boss tells you about how well you are working.
4 W! B# Y( r* Q2 g" o+ Y5 _  D 2 Realise that your boss will occasionally need to be left alone.
1 z7 Q" {6 Q$ R8 y# i' ]  A 3 Comment on your boss’s work in a positive spirit. % p& ~" `( }1 Q+ `- x
  B 4 Try to impress your boss with your thoroughness.
' d% H$ V9 C) Y, P( `  A 5 Do not hesitate to involve your boss if you have difficulties with your work.
; ~' @- F: w" L2 B# K  B 6 Show your boss that you are capable of working at a higher level. www.Examw.com) x8 s2 O  z# Y% O) ?1 ?  N( Z
  C 7 Speak to your boss, even about matters not directly related to your work. - f+ z4 l) d- j$ U  s
  MANAGE YOUR BOSS 9 u- J; O. D& R5 G8 s8 j0 t
  Advice from four top business people on how you should treat your boss 0 J& [# L! W1 A+ d/ x5 ?4 e% D
  A - `0 p$ G- \% j
  The Consultant + \2 n, S8 i$ ^, t2 J
  No boss likes nasty surprises. Thinking you can solve a serious problem before he or she finds out is a doomed strategy. Much better to inform your boss about the situation early on, together with your suggested solution. Also, remember that bosses like praise as much as any employee. Do this without making it obvious, if only to earn the right to criticise (constructively, of course). ’Consideration’ is the key word. Treat bosses as you hope to be treated - it should help you to move up to the next level.  
1 D' [1 l) _- k, d% l# m; G  k  B
7 u' t/ n# W$ R  The Director 2 C6 E3 s* l7 Y* Q
  Of course there are all the formal things in managing your boss - ensuring that you come to meetings well prepared, that you have a good eye for detail, and so on. But you also need to distinguish effectively between things that are important and things that are merely small details. Bosses like it if you can see ’the big picture’ because they want to be able to delegate. So it’s all about psychology, as well as performance.
1 e/ ]( |, D' z. d& _+ H6 e  C
. R6 o( {8 ]/ T; _- G: ?, o  The Chairman ; b2 S9 W" w& t- r
  Bosses want people to understand their objectives, their way of working and the pressures they are under. If you can understand what sort of individual your boss is, it is easier to appreciate why certain reactions might arise, and thus avoid problems. Also, keep the lines of communication with your boss open. You need to receive ongoing feedback on whether your work is effective, asking about what you do not understand, and, if necessary, discussing personal issues from outside the workplace. When the gap between you is reduced, so are the difficulties. 0 f: v# w- D* J3 u
  D 来自www.Examw.com
: p4 q( J9 W: w5 l$ O: @5 k% H  The Chief Executive
4 P8 b, V( S4 a3 j  Understand that a boss will want to take the glory when things go well. After all, they take ultimate responsibility, so they deserve some of the credit. Also, find out about your boss’s outside interests, as this can help to improve the relationship. You may find you have an interest in common. Similarly, recognise that everyone is human, and there are times when a request from you may be unwelcome. Get to know your boss’s Personal Assistant, who can advise you when it is a good time to talk to him or her.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:38 | 显示全部楼层


《Manage your boss》,管理你的老板,文章是四个业内人士就如何与老板相处给出了自己的意见,哪些应该做的,哪些不应该做的,是一门技巧,更是一门学问。
( Q' M7 Z7 t. D1 I: A# l* E1 l  第一题,听你的老板告诉你工作得怎么样。答案是C段的这么一句:You need to receive ongoing feedback on whether your work is effective。你需要接受关于你的工作是否有效率的持续反馈。这一段是在讲要和老板保持沟通,否则两人之间有隔阂的话,麻烦就来了。How well you are working也就是whether your work is effective。
5 q' i# i  B$ ~7 x+ q  第二题,认识到你的老板有时候也需要独处。答案在D段最后一句,但是比较隐晦,需要理解:recognise that everyone is human, and there are times when a request from you may be unwelcome. Get to know your boss’s Personal Assistant, who can advise you when it is a good time to talk to him or her.认识到大家都是人,有时你的要求可能并不受欢迎。想办法去认识老板的个人助理,他可以给你建议什么时候找老板谈话合适。
! K; S% E& h- u. Q; I  找老板谈话要选择合适的时机,也就是说有的时候老板也不想被人打扰。这也就是第二题所说的老板有的时候也需要独处。
* S( q' S/ Y9 h  第三题,用一种积极的精神评价老板的工作。答案是A段的这么一句:remember that bosses like praise as much as any employee.记住老板也和员工一样喜欢赞扬。praise也就是comment in a positive spirit。
" \4 B4 Z0 u( g8 z& d0 K6 V  第四题,试图用你的周全来给老板留下印象。Thoroughness的意思是周全,看朗文词典对thorough的解释:including every possible detail。但看中文“彻底的”不容易理解。所以答案是ensuring that you come to meetings well prepared, that you have a good eye for detail, and so on.确保你开会时已准备充分,你有一双发现细节的好的双眼,等等。You have a good eye for detail可以对应于including every possible detail。 考试用书5 ?: E/ g, p4 V) j* q
  第五题,如果对工作有困难不要迟疑告诉你的老板。答案是A段的第一句:No boss likes nasty surprises. Thinking you can solve a serious problem before he or she finds out is a doomed strategy. Much better to inform your boss about the situation early on, together with your suggested solution.没有人喜欢恶心人的惊喜。想想你自己可以解决一个重要的问题结果他却发现是一个注定失败的策略。最好在事情刚开始的时候通知你的老板,以及你提议的解决办法。 , p' j9 d; @* m1 _( X) q' b
  第六题,表现给你的老板你能在一个更高的水平上工作。答案在B段:Bosses like it if you can see ’the big picture’ because they want to be able to delegate.。如果你能看到大的“图景”老板会喜欢的,因为他们也需要委派任务。这个句子前面说要能区别重要的事情和旁枝末节。能够看到“大的图景”是需要眼界和决断力的,因此这里的see ‘the big picture’可以对应于题干中的working at a higher level。
/ t6 Z! m# g4 M  O3 \  第七题,同你的老板交谈,即便是并不直接与工作相关的事情。答案是C段这么一句:if necessary, discussing personal issues from outside the workplace.如果有必要的话,讨论工作外的私事。整个C段都是讲同老板沟通的重要性,最关键的一句是keep the lines of communication with your boss open。有的时候并不需要直接在原文中找到和题干相同意思的句子,凭借每一段的中心意思就可以做出来。这里的personal issues也就是matters not directly related to your work.
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