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[BEC真题] 历年BEC商务英语中级考试真题(42)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、This development is in an area where the potential for consumer spending is the highest in the country.  
& h7 a! R0 s, P, Y+ A% o  2、The partners constructing this centre have been responsible for numerous other developments.  
. B  n: h1 e8 Z- ?. b  3、The centre may become a model for future urban development plans.  ! J3 o+ T) j/ g- t: S8 H. F6 G
  4、This centre is being marketed by the developers as the best place in the area to shop.  转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
$ A- r2 ^% \: ?" K- q  5、Other shopping destinations are located close to the agreed site for this centre.  ; D% |3 E& w6 ^: R
  6、Plans for this development have been presented to people who live in the area for comment and approval.  
/ `+ J3 p- {5 X' m6 F  7、This development is being built in an area which has experienced sustained growth over time.  
) ~- ?8 D4 `+ Y" m; M1 U$ H9 C  A  
& g8 T& m6 R' u6 q  The Birmingham Alliance will provide Birmingham with one of Europe’s largest regional shopping centres, right in the heart of the city. The Alliance, an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes, will facilitate an

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:38 | 显示全部楼层


这套题目的难度不一般,我估计能把这套题给吃透了,以后基本可以笑傲阅读的第一部分了。文章有点散,题目的信息也是相当隐晦,很可能看了半天依然找不着北。写到这里多啰嗦几句,越是这种时候越要沉住气:所有人都一样,别人不会感觉比你容易。这是整个BEC考试的第一部分,如果不对付好了,后面会溃不成军。  . R# [# F+ W8 H4 G) P. ^$ [6 s5 C  }
  文章ABCD四个部分分别介绍了四个不同的连锁店的发展情况(retail development),因为是基本情况的介绍,所以有点泛,没法提炼重点,只能尽可能多的把文章里的疑似重点词汇划出来,以待备用。  . X( I4 F" x% h4 e
  第一题,说这个地区的消费支出潜力是整个国家最高的,这里的highest是关键词。答案是C段的这句话:Eleven million people,with a combined spending power predicted to exceed a record 5.5bn pound.意思是综合消费能力预计将超过记录。预计(predict),也就是潜力(potential)。hightest,也就是exceed a record。前面有个affluent,是形容词,富裕的。  
4 {6 m+ C0 M8 f0 R, K  第二题,说建筑这个中心的合作方曾多次负责其他的项目发展。答案是A段的一句话:转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes.意思是这三个国内最大的开发商都拥有广泛的城市建造经验。这里的with extensive experience就是题干所说的have been responsible for numerous other developments.  / L* B4 B" k- B4 W
  第三题,说这个中心可能会成为未来城市发展规划的范例。答案是B段的一句:This development is expected to set the standard for town centre regeneration schemes to come。这种发展有望为即将到来的城市中心再建方案树立标准。set the standard对应于model,plans对应于schemes。  
4 B  z6 L& \' s. t6 x  第四题,关键词是best,答案是D段的这么一句:Lend Lease is promoting the centre as the unrivalled shopping destination of the region.是说Lend Lease打算促使该中心成为这个地区无与伦比的消费目的地。Unrivalled对应于best。  ! ^5 E2 M+ C) g  @
  第五题,关键词是一个close,答案是A段的:Planning permission is in place for the new scheme, which will be a short distance from existing prime retail areas。A short distance from也就是close。  
) q" w# L+ K6 A: G  第六题,说这个发展方案提交给了住在这里的人,等待他们的评价和同意。答案是B段的“The proposals, which are awaiting the outcome of consultation with local residents”,这个提议还在等当地居民商议的最后结果,完全一个意思。  
7 i  K; q- [# }7 a) b% a* V  第七题,说建造在了一个曾经历了持续增长期的地区,答案是D段的“The economic base of the area has improved continuously over the past decade”,这个地方的经济基础连续改善了十年。sustained growth对应于improved continuously。
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