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[BEC模拟题] 2011商务英语考试:中级模拟练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 `* z4 x& k7 i9 u7 B1 ?9 r1.A:你好,自我介绍一下,我叫克莱因,冈瑟。克莱因。" C! I" r4 _( J! _( |2 V
B:很兴奋见到你。我是杰弗。斯诺登。! M1 h  y( o6 h
2.A:您好。我是保罗。马修斯。! B5 ^" D7 X. F3 b
2 v8 U7 B6 m# O* z3.A:你好,我叫汤姆。
9 a+ \4 J9 B! cB:很兴奋见到你医懈ダ市痢?/FONT>
( j5 P0 U. D9 ^8 x4.A:彼得,能把我介绍给营销经理吗?
, Z8 j* z$ P# R( a8 Y5 J& EB:当然可以,约翰。菲利浦,我来给你介绍一下。约翰是我们新来的计算机经理。
1 |' L" V% s& ~) wC:很兴奋见到你, 约翰。今后我们将在一起共事了。0 I( |3 W" I* ], \1 R) {
) m) V0 C0 |6 [# }+ J9 k* f: {B:哦,真不好意思。来见见他。曼海姆博士,这是罗博茨先生。他是从美国来参观的。
% P8 H4 C1 ~7 t$ x& Q0 zC:非常兴奋见到你,罗博茨先生。你在这儿呆多久?- b7 ]1 d+ ~  a6 M; y
6 O% `+ q0 y- tB:没问题。我先把你介绍给罗杰,他是主人罗杰,这是苏姗,她刚刚搬到这个地区。
: \/ E* v4 ^9 \, g  eC:很兴奋见到你,苏姗。你是这个地区的人吗?
9 [4 I0 z" ]/ m# M2 Z/ |( W/ {7.A:我来给你们介绍一下。马克辛,这是弗朗西斯。
  m: O3 m% p! [B:很兴奋见到你,马克辛。你是汤尼的老朋友吗?
1 i7 t3 J3 v9 E1 @  uC:是的。我和汤尼熟悉好多年了,对吧?
; H  v( n0 Q* G& y" FA:对,好多年了。
" b/ R$ b+ r$ P$ Z, S; h  l# |- uExercises
- x! _$ {8 l1 b- X7 ]A.从下列短语或句子a-i中选出适当的填入空格(1)-(9),完成下面的对话。
; M& o3 q5 _/ }3 la By the way
  k2 J% s( F" l7 g: |7 ]! Mb who is here to look at our research programme
  ~' j; `3 j7 c9 @/ F- `c Chief Designer for Great Wall Toys& H$ e* l- o, n4 y% _$ h
d We‘re very pleased that you could come today
4 x  {, T/ i! ?4 m- S, b: P5 oe from the Beijing Technical Institute
5 j; \8 Q+ g' m; Zf Are you going to give a talk at the conference; z* p3 T1 e3 z7 o
g And I‘m very pleased to be here3 [- M8 V5 H" C& P
h I‘ve heard a lot about your research
( y& s1 C. o$ p# u8 I1 ^& xi He‘s our Chief Technical Officer, ^5 U/ F, J, q$ H. |+ U" I$ C
/ A0 h2 u% F( w7 X9 F" g: PARTHUR: Jeff, I‘d like you to meet Elen Wang .5 l& {. n9 @9 [; D: R$ E8 u
She‘s the RD Manager for our new Hong Kong Subsidiary. Elen, this is Jeff King. . He‘ll answer all of your questions.; v6 C2 q3 @  _% L8 s
JEFF: Hello, pleased to meet you.- ~$ q! ^2 I1 I- J. W
ELEN: How do you do?. S1 r8 I% [& _' u3 P% z+ K
2.在一次会议上1 e' \. C! ~+ r' w% G* S+ r
MIKE: It‘s difficult to find a seat, isn‘t it?
8 Z1 \& E5 n! G& E8 M) cOLGA:Yes. It‘s a very popular lecture.
# I* F3 E5 d+ j. O& R/ fMIKE: , my name is Mike Collins, Denton Engineering.
5 w) u" z7 r7 ~: bOLGA: I‘m Olga-Olga Zhang .2 e1 O8 F% t! ]% H( T
MIKE: Hi, Olga, nice to meet you. ?
7 i+ p& C& {0 ^2 Z- f* j$ pOLGA: No. I just have to write a report for my institute.* S4 S6 ]1 [% y& X6 g
0 G2 `8 e, N6 x9 t/ DPETER: Now, may I introduce you to Bill Wells, our Sales Manager? Bill, this is Li Fang, . She has a lot of ideas to discuss with us.: I0 J7 o) E7 x, b$ P( h
BILL: How do you do, Ms Li.
% C* s$ I+ I3 T* t- KLI: How do you do.
* ?0 I! R. c# f- ?  T" ZBILL: . Great Wall Toys is one of our most important suppliers, and we‘ve head a lot about your design team.1 H+ D5 X0 A' h6 F' U$ L& i- d
LI: . Feedback from customers is very important to us.6 x# z6 [5 }0 g3 d* G
2 T4 }! \% N8 Y1. A: Hello, my self. My name‘s Klin.$ Y# J) e/ o! j* K/ W- s" }) I9 K
B: to meet you.
; a# H' v8 m6 m5 M  h3 b2. A: Peter, me to the Marketing Manager?
3 T$ h' P, {; _; BB: , come and meet her.
- D& o) [" C3 u; {3. A: Jane, I don‘t know anyone here. me.
' d& H+ ~: ]! x) a9 ?# o9 u( [B: . I‘ll introduce you the host first.
! M( M2 q$ Z" Q7 L4. A: you two. Maxine, this is Francis.+ \4 l- w- n8 ?
B: meet you. Maxine.) f, {. [* ?) P2 w
) f9 {+ Y# F( n! k% m% Z王先生在ABC公司的圣诞聚会上碰到了史密斯小姐,他们已熟悉多年了。# b" R8 ^3 g: x# h: B2 L
1.王:这儿的人我都不熟悉,你得帮我介绍一下。% z; l+ n& }: y. v, F& `- L, e8 l
史:当然可以。我先介绍你熟悉布朗先生,他是我们计算机部的经理。% z$ ^7 j* \6 A% P0 j' ~
9 Y. z: _+ H, x  ]/ w5 i. X布:很兴奋见到您,王先生。您在这儿能呆多久?/ T/ M' `" W" G
Key to Exercises-A. _% n' e) o) d: X8 d" l0 t
-b -i -h -a+ n, e3 R( U1 r: }  o' \/ ]/ S: \% b7 k! w
-e -f -c -d -g- Z7 N5 s1 Q! A9 R3 c' |. I$ j7 _
Key to Exercises-B
# i: A8 T; V7 q) H$ \+ E) b+ Vlet me introduce. M2 K  E  V' \
Pleased / Nice / Glad
) L- H3 ^6 c/ i5 |0 X3 y- H/ \Could you introduce, a& [5 n: Q1 ~. O7 @2 F
Of course  P" P9 k6 S( y5 r3 `5 A& Q4 y; a
You‘ll have to introduce
& `9 n& A4 l( G2 E- }Of course
: E- I9 _+ [1 ^! B9 f7 @/ |3 DLet me introduce4 n9 V1 }) \' E/ y( v
Nice / Pleased / Glad! e. G! w! v# j6 D- d
Key to Translation* f0 C7 P# L$ Z/ a$ n$ Y: Z
At a Christmas party of ABC Company, Mr Wang met Miss Smith. They have known each other for years.+ P1 w( h' S" k4 U3 p7 f) r" D$ j
1.Wang: I don‘t know anyone here. You‘ll have to introduce me./ f( G$ u2 w( \& I+ ]# u
Smith: Of course. I‘ll introduce you to Mr Brown first. He is our Computer Manager.
* {& ^7 h: B! [" E2.Smith: Mr Brown, please come and meet Mr Wang. He is over from China on a visit.
2 U9 h% S& a7 K; W. N& {0 xBrown: Very nice to meet you, Mr Wang. How long are you going to be here?

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