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[BEC模拟题] 2011商务英语考试:中级模拟题三(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PART FOUR3 {! d; S' Y6 b( j/ }& ~2 E- Z
Questions 21 -358 W! ]4 F! b+ {. A9 T: B
. Read this advertisement.' d& @$ j6 y/ i0 A* h
. Choose the best word to fill each gap.
- M5 @5 w) R" j8 B" W5 [  c' W. For each question (21 35) mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D)on your Answer Sheet.1 v! g0 z: |% [1 A  y" ?  }
. One answer has been given as an example.
& a& N# u  b) F0 k( u/ }% JToo much to read! It's impossible to find time to read today's top business books-and thousands are published each year. Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. Often the ideas and insights they . . . . . . example. . . . . are available nowhere else. But how can you even. . . . . .21. . . . . . which titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?
9 b% j- Y  p0 f0 y+ H3 ]Fortunately, there's a . . . .. .22. .. . . . : Soundview Executive Book Summaries. It really. . . . . . 23.. . . . . In fact, it's . . . . . . 24. . . . . . to work. It is ingenious and essential. Every month, you . . . . . . 25. . . . . two or three quick reading, time saving . . . . . .26. . . .. . of the best new business books. Each contains all the key points in the . . . . . . 27. . . . . . book. The big difference ,instead of 200 to 500 pages ,the summary is only & pages. Instead of . . . . . . 28. . . . . . five ,ten or more hours to read ,it takes just 15 minutes.8 C# K5 V6 B- }( e/ Y1 e: N
Of the thousands of business books . . . . . . 29. . . . . .annually, only a . . . . . . 30. . . . . .are really worth reading. To save your time, our Editorial Board goes over them all . . . . . . 31. . . . . .90%. Our standards are . . . . . . 32. . . . . .,and the criteria rigorous.
0 @7 N0 `: _0 SWhen a book meets all our tests, we prepare a Summary, instead of a review or a digest. You get a skillful distillation that preserves the content ad spirit of the . . . . . . 33. . . . . .books. The titles cover every. . . . . . 34. . . . . .of concern to business people today. There's . . . . . . 35. . . . . .else like Soundview Executive Book Summaries.
* R  S5 m$ p( H, XExample:& Z/ {* e: P' K# i9 M, V
A. express B. understand C. contain D. find. G. o: a- [: b/ j. [; S
Answer: C+ H3 U& t" b. x3 i
21 . A. see B. know C. ask D. answer
- E; }; k8 u- M! d: P; H2 h22. A. answer B. solution C. question D. problem) X) ~7 ?& j  A2 C6 f
23. A. works B. costs C. sells D. buys
4 f2 R5 a1 L" n  F0 w. w24. A. guarded B. granted C. guided D. guaranteed" }7 K( |6 H1 z. K, Y# d) P% z
25. A. pay B. send C. receive D. buy
; u" A9 m3 U2 [, H1 O6 O, d26. A. titles B. summaries C. names D. prices
0 j8 s  f  l! J7 E27. A. original B. first C. same D. another" H. I) R5 l0 e3 q& i' d
28. A. spending B. costing C. taking D. sitting3 m8 ?1 G0 S. f6 K. a; w, E0 }
29. A. publicized B. polished C. published D. popularized
# \% |8 R7 x* x! `5 l30. A. dozen B. little C. handful D. couple( [+ \& h5 m6 _' K6 X( u' s3 F+ m
31. A. choosing B. eliminating C. writing D. publishing9 j* M% U7 \. G( p# X
32. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap
: B! e' V9 m9 D1 J* Q33. A. entire B. tired C. entering D. old
% c& Z8 w4 P$ n+ f3 e34. A. word B. subject C. sentence D. idea
! O# |& `) v* f2 I35. A. something B. anything C. all D. nothing( i5 |1 [' d2 ^% a/ u+ |
参考答案:. w  y, G( k" p1 `) V7 F
21. B 22. B 23.A 24. D 25. C
1 B6 G! y& f( R( t$ f; Y26.B 27.A 28. C 29.C 30. C
+ H" Z; G3 \6 L" _7 J31. B 32.A 33. A 34. B 35.D

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