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[BEC模拟题] 2011商务英语考试:中级模拟题五(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) P3 O1 Q# G- I: ~. ]$ Y6 pSection A: |/ o; V9 _% t$ T
Questions 36-40' z8 j& F. J% a5 p1 _; Y/ j" S
. Read this letter to the editor of a magazine.$ M$ z/ U  z  ~7 B1 s) ]
. In most of the lines (36-40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are correct.
7 f. B+ d* Y9 c6 ]9 Z8 r. W3 B. If the line is correct ,put a tick (√) in the space on your .4nswer Sheet.) ]4 h# b* b3 O% k
. If there is an extra word in the line ,write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet./ V; f( Q. F6 L" A
Example :
5 D( F; z0 e! nNew Mexico's mineral industries make up for about one third of. . . for
+ N1 a+ i: _7 s" ^! Wthe state's 1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991. . . √ . .+ @* B; F9 R" H4 N  u; W+ G- y
LETTER TO THE EDITOR7 ?9 z& Y& s6 t# D) F& P, w. q
Sir-you say that New Mexico has "few natural resources"." `* a0 E  R& T7 m; q
36. However ,the mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the( m9 Q, o0 g$ [  [- K
37. state's most strongest economic forces. In 1991 New Mexico, H  D/ c% L, B7 g! Z, e- n- R
38. ranked fourth one in the United States in production of natural gas.
; X, D5 y# ?1 D0 F3 L, |6 g39. Ten combined value of those oil and gas production was S 2. 8 billion dollars.
  U. O7 u9 ]* Z# j' q  y40. New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other
+ j9 K2 j$ b" Sstates.
, j4 C! f* l3 p- q0 Y参考答案:
* K: d1 L' ?0 J$ @; O) T, }36. most是多余,应删掉.6 u' P* _) d, \: ?, T
37. one是多余,应删掉.
9 r& _7 Y  @& r1 G. D38. those是多余,应删掉.
3 j" `0 ^- Z. K39. dollars 是多余,应删掉.6 E6 E. `$ h3 H: \  `: a  p
40. 没有多余的词.

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