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[BEC模拟题] 2011商务英语考试:中级模拟题六(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' n* M* T! `, ?( q9 R$ T/ r* cQuestions 23-30
0 Z8 V7 x9 u: ~% z; ^* V1 c0 T. you will hear a report presented by a journalist from Tokyo. He talks about the difficult situations met by Japanese chemical groups. He gives some important figures of four biggest chemical groups in Japan.
) C, I2 K$ ?" [2 I. you have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct answer.  j, e$ {2 n* v% R5 @
. Mark one letter (A ,B or C).
& O: G! m+ @+ a' V+ o4 c, O/ X23. The crisis met by Japanese chemical groups is caused by, one of the reasons.
/ l% N; i! y+ [6 z! \A over capacity
* I* v+ N& j8 {7 n- ^B high prices
0 v9 Q& M1 r: |+ t4 IC high cost; D9 p, \* |/ b: x6 o: q
24. The productions manufactured by Asahi Chemical, Japan's largest poly tyrene manufacturer take up of the market.- v% U6 [& }% R. F* ^) l% q
A 12%3 Y- [* {  g" n* q$ O
B 25%7 B5 B; J2 I0 [0 K  h' y; ~
C 26.6
! l' d( }8 y+ M- ?; ~- n$ @25.________ is Japan's biggest plastics group.
0 a0 E1 s7 R- I0 v1 UA Mitsubishi Kasei( e' o% g2 ^8 T
B Mitsubishi petrochemical
' U4 I+ V3 N, y+ o( c6 VC Mitsui Petrochemical industries
- {5 e( h* K4 ^9 k( X( }7 n; F" D26. On Oct. 1st, Mitsubishi Petrochemical is going to merge with.
, @+ Z; ^5 n# T3 LA Kawasaki plant; x' m. U/ s3 S; h% |- N" z' _2 B) }
B Mitsui petrochemical3 {/ g- a$ U, Q1 K& E( S5 p9 ^
C Mitsubishi Kasei
0 B. y5 ~: M/ T! ]" I( |27. The dividend of remains the same as in last year.
4 S" Q, ~$ [1 U1 s% o2 @- KA Mitsubishi Petrochemical
- ^+ v  |5 W& }" L) g2 s- A( A" rB Mitsui petrochemical industries and Shin-Etsu
# i- p' D2 B8 q9 W. Q3 aC Sumitomo Chemical* ]) z$ x/ f5 M' j& k6 r
28. chemical group is not explained in detail in this report.2 R! J% G% Z' X& ~
A Shin-Etsu* P, s' h" L6 J2 P( G) d' x
B Mitsubishi Kasei
: M! d7 j$ m. }+ v1 E' K7 f9 Q- [C Mitsui petrochemical
3 {0 r3 `1 X/ |7 ~  ]" G: }" s29. chemical group has the highest per share according to the report." w7 x1 v* U, [- z
A Mitsubishi Petrochemical$ j$ @. n* a" B: |5 |/ F0 ?3 `
B Shin-Etsu
/ g$ k* p' [* U2 U" z; hC Mitsui Petrochemical Industries! M2 L. N; r% t5 ^, D
30. is going to open a new plant.; S: m# {& z9 D% Y) k. y
A Shin-Etsu
; G& T" Z# R$ Y/ Y0 JB Mitsui Petrochemical
6 c, J; N  u. J+ [- r/ j' }% UC Mitsubishi Petrochemical8 S4 v4 s$ C' f  h4 m" d
参考答案:23. A 24. B
$ k  g, j7 V0 A$ o0 Y# H" W25. B 26. C 27. B

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