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[BEC模拟题] 2012年商务英语BEC中级考试冲刺试题及答案08

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
READING 1 q' m: ], a0 y" q
  Part One 9 H) A3 x) [* y5 J6 q1 [# x
  1 B 2A 3A 4C 5D 6C 7D
) O( W1 \2 i  H- i6 Y  Part Two
0 T" w& d+ a2 o6 k. \  ^% y  8E 9A 10G 11B 12F ! c% p6 V9 I  \1 x" q
  Part Three   G+ Q, b/ V( g/ V$ y: m
  13D 14C 15A 16B 17B 18A
0 f$ }9 H0 B" @' r* p: j- L1 L4 |  Part Four 8 s6 z& J/ v" U8 o1 I6 U
  19A 20B 21C 22 B 23A 24D 25A / u4 e9 p, m' A" ^$ ?
  26D 27A 28B 29C 30B 31A 32 B 33 C + ~( l: F7 w' c% y
  Part Five
0 D. m5 z, j4 D6 `7 n  34 IS 35 INCREASING 36 CORRECT
  ~- X3 I. ?+ j* w% k; F  37 ARE 38 AS 39 PROVIDE 40 CORRECT
7 J6 _( O: K& R+ }' k  41 BETWEEN 42 THAT 43 WHAT
! M) h; F; K8 O& M+ b  44 THEN 45 CORRECT
7 l% G; {" S' X- T  WRITING
; E8 Q0 j. H4 \% a  Part one + d$ I% E. R- U- Y
  To: The manager 5 S/ j; W; W' I
  From: J. Rhode, Sales Accountant
  E1 f& n7 Y0 R" e  Date: 20 January 2009
; @' c, ^3 Z+ t" u! G# h% c! l  Subject: The complaint from Mr. Liu I have checked our records and I have found that
9 c! q/ L. U; p5 Q, G; F+ h. B. @  Mr. Liu is correct in his complaint. I am afraid I was responsible for confusing his invoice with another invoice. I shall make sure that he gets a replacement invoice in the very near future.
- L4 d9 I* S* }8 }3 v  ^' C  Part Two # |1 B1 y* Q. q; N/ T0 V
  Report on Buying a New Premise
; ]% ]. F, A$ m  I visited the two premises as told: one is the Central Business Park, and the other Touchstone Industrial Park. The findings are as follows: The premise in Central Business Park contains many empty units, and its office building is old and in bad maintenance; while the one in Touchstone Industrial Park has many other famous companies in the area and can supply with modern and fully air-conditioned office buildings. The car parking space in Central Business Park for 100 cars is probably not enough and it is 3kms outside the city, while the other can provide us with sufficient parking space as well as good transportation. Although the price for the property in Touchstone Industrial Park is a little bit higher, it is reasonable and really worth it. # k! L; x5 l/ ~7 G8 P
  SPEAKING 0 `7 @# s* H6 F8 i9 k8 }1 g
  Part Two A $ Y/ W% F: j- R1 A9 H  @
  Being aware of your own culture and how it differs from others is an important first step in preventing intercultural misunderstanding. Avoiding ethnocentrism and stereotyping while tolerance further helps business communicators overcome cultural barriers.Ethnocentrism causes us to judge others by our own values. Misunderstandings naturally result. Work-ing among people from different cultures demands tolerance and acceptance of delivery. To improve tolerance, practice empathy. Being tolerance also takes patience. Our impressions of other cultures sometimes cause us to form stereotypes about groups of people. When you meet and work with people from other cultures, remember that they, too, resent being stereotyped. Look beneath surface stereotypes and labels to discover individual personal qualities.
4 `4 q% w0 t, d5 s% T& s- v1 p  Part Three 2 ^7 U# [3 ?9 ?. V* p* _
  A: I’m going to apply for marketing manager in our company.
- i3 R, c3 ^" h5 p  B: Hope you will succeed. But do you know the role of the manager?
. b9 @# w0 _8 Q  A: Managers have choice-making responsibilities, which are called decisional roles. To put it specific, there are four decisional roles: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator.
% x. h4 X& N. j# L0 v" C  B: In fact, managers, have three "set of behavior". In addition to decisional role, there are interpersonal roles and informational roles. As to interpersonal roles, it includes organizational figurehead, which means that managers should represent the firm at public affairs. And they have leadership duties and should act as liaisons between groups and individuals. Informational roles involve communication among individuals and groups, but managers must also be adept at gathering and using information to help make effective decisions. 4 g9 ]: l) m: t
  A: Yes, I know. They should be able communicators who can transmit information and articulate decisions.

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