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[BEC模拟题] 2012年剑桥商务英语高级考试冲刺试题及答案02

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年剑桥商务英语高级考试冲刺试题及答案022 U: r( w1 t- E* u9 r* y
Questions 21-355 b" L6 O. q! L7 U' x
  .Read this advertisement a hat Fidelily Emerging Markets.
1 G1 F. ~1 X& X' B  .Choose the best word to fil1 each gap.9 \% W; P8 J/ T  C9 e
  .For each question (21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B,C or D) on your Answer Sheet., W7 f: Q# {4 G9 ?" X( l
  .One answer has been given as an example.
% V4 t4 V. R& }" W$ B' O  the dynamic developing economies of the world are ripe with potential.Not only have they ...example...extraordinary levels of ...21 ..., but we believe this looks set continue , backed by ...22 ...inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Mark, Fund is ...23...to help you capitalize on this promising outlook.
, j& y, q5 C! c  the ...24...to real success in Emerging Markets is research and resources, of Fidelity's foremost ...25 ...As the world's largest ...26 ...investment management organization , we can draw upon a (n) ...27...network of offices covering developing economies across Asia ,Latin America and Europe.
- O- ^$ l) f1 E- m% l( [, _! c  This local presence means we can ...28...a hands-on approach ,searching out a capitalizing on investment...29...as soon as they come to light.As a result, Fidelity I become one of the world's ...30...names in emerging stockmarkets : where we ...31...manage 5pounds billion ?  r  U1 ]* V: r5 M1 b
  So act now to ...32...out more about the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund ---and get the potential of these dynamic markets teamed with the strength of the Fidelity organization.For more ...33 ..., call us , free of ...34 ..., from any of the countries below.If you...35...elsewhere ,please use the UK number or post or fax the coupon.8 ^( s4 u4 Y: i$ k0 g4 A
! N- j5 e( w' Q1 |  A.denied B.climbed C.demonstrated D.mentioned
* J8 r5 Z* Y8 v9 v1 t  f  Answer: C
! Z7 a3 ~! l8 k  21.A.growth B.decrease C.height D.diminish2 Q' c( G6 I# o, _; z
  22.A.slow B.increasing C.reducing D.fast
" _( S6 `5 }3 I! i. F  23.A.thought B.designed C.considered D.supposed7 c. d# d8 O8 o# J, j
  24.A.road B.method C.reason D.key+ ]8 l: d( C- [! T! z. h
  25.A.words B.slogans C.ways D.strengths, k+ M: N* r& K/ x
  26.A.independent B.wealthy C.prosperous D.national; C7 o' g: E% ^
  27.A.intensive B.thick C.narrow D.extensive7 F/ X7 _2 ]7 h1 o
  28.A.move B.apply C.reply D.demand) `  b* K4 H& R4 e; V9 w
  29.A.situations B.disadvantages C.opportunities D.conditions- {8 w3 B* B! D
  30.A.few B.many C.honourable D.leading
, Y/ @+ Z! u: y+ u9 x1 G  31.A.currently B.formerly C.recently D.likely
- T& a0 d4 g+ O5 Y  32.A.look B.discover C.find D.learn0 |: n1 s. Y7 T7 X) b2 k3 H
  33.A.news B.data C.information D.knowledge# x. D7 x+ A% Q0 L. X. z, u4 ]$ Y
  34.A.money B.pay C.fee D.charge& e* k; e$ Q/ ^" _' A9 Q
  35.A.live B.wait C.talk D.sleep
! y8 E! }. j+ |* x  keys:转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
9 w. E: j9 K( _$ O' t. ^  PART FOUR
! |, A+ @: W4 [  21.A 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.D 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.C
; ]: e4 x+ @3 Z9 }/ z7 w# m- e5 |1 P" S
  30.D 31.A 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.A

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:32 | 显示全部楼层


 Section A</p>  Questions 36-40' g6 ]# J) |& L; o# U
  .Read this text about car sales in the world.
' }- L: L+ o$ d1 }7 L4 H- r  .In most of the lines (36 -40) there is one extra word which does not fit in.One or two lines, however, are Correct.
7 V( [- Q- q$ b# r/ g  .If the Line is correct, put a tick (√ ) in the space on your Answer Sheet.
5 y8 i  N8 O8 p# u: {) K3 J. h* q  .If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
& W- b3 D1 L+ G# t* Y' a' U  Example :7 K; X- X/ M( g4 I& t
  While new car sales in Japan are predicted to rise up by...up...; l2 z6 p1 W" J  W$ M, X
  5 per cent next year, 1990's record of 5.1 million won't be exceeded...√...$ r3 X- n; R% |- Y( z8 N, {$ U
  WORLD NEW CAR SALES$ E0 }! _' L. v; I/ J+ U; j: g6 b
  36.New car sales fell down last year to a six-year low, but demand
  n* ]3 k' g& i' v  37.is forecast to begin a sustained period of growth in 1994 and
" P+ _: q3 c2 x1 h6 d8 o+ e8 _  38.rose to record levels through out the second half years of the 1990s
& v, R' k( M4 A$ j  D( [  39.the short-term recovery is being driven chiefly( ]  H! ?7 ?5 |7 `& x/ E: q% z+ R
  40.in North America ,where new car sales are forecast to increase
( L2 b! K! {. {" W2 k- u$ t  by 11 percent to 10.46 million this year ,as well by the continuing
7 F( G, z" e3 f: J) y; z4 u/ C. t4 [
  expansion of demand in the Asia-Pacific region.PART FIVE
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:33 | 显示全部楼层


Section B外语学习网</p>  Questions 41-45.
4 G, |$ S$ T- H/ o5 O' ]1 Y- D  .the following is a business contract.; w6 R- C4 o6 ~7 \' d: x
  .In each line there is one wrong word.
  O9 g5 {3 J  Z  Y$ }  .For each numbered line (41 - 45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.# b' q& J1 E- {+ n, T
  Example :
8 z+ ?5 v) S; W5 P$ H5 H  We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain...responsible...
7 y. [* V/ T6 |  This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F.T.Arbitration Commission to
) g$ [/ k2 e- w  u2 R  41.appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute
: m& a/ _; V( K! {. `: [/ ?6 F  42.existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's.
$ `  d; u0 k+ Z  43.failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of
* p6 l2 z1 O, ~8 }' q- i  44.8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots.Should the defendant failing to! v: r% v0 @0 _
  45.appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F.T. Arbitration .
# X& w4 }' K) v- D  Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed for
7 {: \+ z% |, H; F+ _% A( g# V( t: c  the defendant.$ @, V$ S8 M! s: ]4 {
, W' i- a9 O$ z- G1 j  PART FIVE
0 z  f' f( K; c$ Q  Section A* |6 A, ?" e5 w, w5 V7 G3 P
  36.down是多余,应删掉.# m. t1 |% @# {+ y
4 `: n; U9 C; z% |- A  38.years是多余,应删掉.2 a  U* t8 M4 d% N/ b3 b7 ~
  39.the 是多余,应删掉.
7 l. _* J4 _0 N# h  40.没有多余的词.
2 O, H: o' H: q/ R& Z  Section Bwww.Examw.com/ s' E1 M6 ^- l8 p
/ [9 j3 |3 d$ P2 G  42.exist应改为existing& g" r: o' o; ~8 O
' a7 \4 y% h0 Z) H' l6 i  44.failing应改为fail' d+ B  d8 J, b7 Y' l6 |0 p
  45.specific 应改为specified
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