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[BEC模拟题] 2010年商务英语(BEC)模拟试题(四)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 根据英语句子的意思,从每一句下面的 A , B , C , D 中选择正确的语言搭配 ( 每小题 1 分,共 20 分 )5 M( ?3 j+ F# c: W
  1. Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.2 w+ V3 v* a3 w) i# |$ v( f- ~
  A. to B. of
. L+ s* S& _8 F3 Y7 S  C. in D. from* ~" z+ b  i5 r8 ~! {; M) C
  2. The children ______ against each other to win yearly scholarship.
$ i/ ?$ D2 A7 F- T  ~- W% g  A. contest B. fight$ \$ G6 ~! D% u  j# m
  C. rival D. enhance/ R) I9 D- @$ v2 t) z: E
  3. When I last saw Mary she ______ to her next class on the other side of the campus and did not have time to talk.
6 U& m1 s1 U; P) d  A. hurried B. was hurrying/ Y' y5 T$ {8 @3 i; w  g3 A$ v
  C. had hurried D. has hurried
6 V& \6 a( s7 \" i4 ~) @0 N. l  4. Next time I ______ there, I'll ask them about it.
+ m4 f! s0 W/ E/ k  G! ]$ q/ a  A. will go B. have gone
" U$ R. a: U: C& o. H$ g! ^  C. am going D. go0 S; f, l* L; w9 b; \  T
  5. The young madam was ______ to discover that she was being watched.
- \1 d3 S8 y0 }  P' U$ ?* G  A. disconcerted B. disappointed, e& L4 J# E+ v. I
  C. dishonored D. dissatisfying
+ W) \& U, e$ J6 B+ O" t6 O  6. We ______ the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town.& A! D  h, b8 s# _. f+ h" E, A4 ~8 I
  A. determined B. located1 ?3 Q- ]  i1 K3 k
  C. specified D. settled" m# d( e$ r9 F# L9 c* `
  7. People just ______ their rubbish over the wall.
. T" B% F3 ^& p( Q) w$ n  A. rolled B. swayed) r1 }( c3 l4 d5 _: G( m
  C. shaped D. threw$ l8 F$ W. t, `/ ]* v- k5 X
  8. Having the highest marks in his class,______.
; Z2 F) Z8 O; x. D  A. the college offered him a scholarship.
1 W, e  u1 L' u  M2 B" }  B. he was offered a scholarship by the college.5 ?/ O+ O. y+ k6 ~
  C. a scholarship was offered him by the college
! \9 z# b/ G! |: R# b  D. a college scholarship was offered to him./ V0 E" i- c6 q7 B4 @
  9. Why do you object to ______ the direction?
8 t6 s& J% y8 e. R. ?4 g0 d  A. following B. follow; n5 x$ T% }% O
  C. have followed D. have been followed
. J( u) g! z1 x% Y2 W  I  10. They ______ the game BECause of rain.  v0 F; n" Y. X( s) g' t1 a0 K, W
  A. deserted B. abandoned
4 D. s- C& r% n4 l) d  C. left D. departed   11. In the 19 th century industry ______ towards the north of England.
! I( h$ x& X' X) J0 r5 }  A. tended B. gravitated+ ]% w3 G# M7 J3 h* Q
  C. intended D. inclined+ t) ?* Q1 R, y$ x8 X$ [
  12. ______ some of the suggestions prove of value to you as well.
* U% x! ^5 r) U7 o! ?# v9 E) C  A. Could B. Can
0 t4 o6 T- W5 z5 x0 y( v6 K& l0 e9 F  C. Might D. May
7 U' Q8 g8 f  O0 h( D0 L  13. Before we commence again, let me give you a word or two of advice,_____?
7 n5 c* X8 ^: q/ u& {  A. shall I B. don't I8 ?; q4 W% @$ r7 Z; C
  C. will you D. won't you3 m9 ~: T4 Y1 ~* i4 v" `5 j( v
  14. I wish to talk with you in private,______?
1 q7 t6 J! ~7 a5 a( E( {, {% [  A. do I B. shall I
3 a; U% F. W9 c% r7 J% S  C. can I D. may I
3 \( W5 i/ I- V' p0 X  15. People will not believe a person who always ______.; A& B& n5 P+ }# l5 M2 f
  A. magnifies B. enlarges
* I0 e1 }3 k, S9 K0 Y6 N  C. broadens D. exaggerates3 A- m5 k+ Q  v* h$ ~
  16. The reserch project has only been under way for three months,so it's too early to ______ its success.. m+ l3 o. o( v* K" ?# U  G
  A. figure B. consider; G& ?4 n3 l# D+ W* B1 E
  C. rate D. evaluate
' o! g; u; u3 b  17. If the United States had not entered the Second World War, probably the 1940 unemployment rate of 14% ______ still further.1 A; c7 |# _/ N# x; I" j" `
  A. would rise B. rose' E7 W5 b' x' x4 D" i
  C. would have risen D. had risen1 F6 e2 e! _! T, `) Z) l. A
  18. We wouldn't lose courage even if we ______ again.' p/ Z$ h) {* c. K
  A. were to fail B. would fail
7 Z: Q; i: C' a1 O' T$ J5 y  C. fail D. have failed. X% Q' a. o  `' i
  19. John wants to see me today, but I would rather he ______ tomorrow than today.. s: k# L% P# g2 _
  A. came B. had come
- I- P: U9 P) p  C. would come D. sould come
2 T' N2 A( `9 m! v. C  i$ c  20. After his troubles, he's now in ______ comfort.3 [* a  o9 x0 Q  F$ F, n+ U$ L
  A. relative B. constant
4 a/ m* n1 {8 d" o7 N* V, p  C. relevant D. fair

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