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[BEC模拟题] 2010年商务英语(BEC)模拟试题(七)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英译汉 ( 阅读下面的短文,然后将划线的句子翻译成汉语。每小题 2 分,共 10 分 )
' X- k$ ?' b' e8 y# |  Making the transition to e-business can be daunting.(1) There is so much to do, so many questions to answer, so many possibilities to explore. How do you know where to start?8 P& Z4 @- W; a. S+ v4 o
  When you begin planning an e-business, the most important thing to remember is that you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Biting off more than you and your team can effectively handle can be as big a problem as doing nothing.(2) Focus your initial e-business efforts on those areas that can most immediately gain from the investment. This lets you pick a targeted starting point, with clear goals and boundaries, so you can build the foundation from which other e-business initiatives will flow.
" K* V- m" ?& p* P6 j  (3) Intel took this advice to heart when it began planning the Intel(r) e-business Web site. Rather than attempting to remake the entire Intel business infrastructure — a truly daunting task for a global corporation with over 65,000 employees — the company focused on its direct customers, including OEMs and distributors.(4) The idea was to focus on customers who already had a relationship through Intel field sales and customer support , and find ways to improve that relationship through the Internet.' g4 K: E1 Z1 u2 Y5 k5 l& p$ l2 f
  (5) “ We picked one thing we could build very quickly and deploy to our customers, ” says Sandra Morris, director of Intel's Internet Marketing & e-Commerce.
/ \' q! n4 a- A# y& F* k* ~  八、汉译英 ( 请把下列汉语句子翻译成英语,每小题 2 分,共 10 分 )( p0 P/ \( H4 r4 {3 d- f
  1. 我们要事先准备所有申请材料。 (in advance)
1 p6 [8 ]- m, N! S& k( x# G; E1 p  2. 你需要确定顾客为何需要你的某种电脑和你的电脑怎样才能满足那种需求。 (meet the need)
3 f4 H1 ^7 Z3 E$ n$ u& z1 e# ^  3. 英特网可以直接让人得到信息、产品和服务,这就省掉了中间商,还会引起经济萎缩。) \, x% H% P' ^0 n0 g& @
  (economic deflation)
4 V# k4 Q' R7 @+ y  4. 我们讨论企业的产品和服务以及行业和英特网的信息。 (along with)
2 w7 }7 h" n6 J  5. 那将给你以极大的竞争优势。 (advantage

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