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[BEC模拟题] 商务英语考试二级模拟试题一(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 b0 O  w# p  g( {# o  Section B- j5 d6 m/ F$ b- X& P
  Questions 41-45.) T0 d6 F( Q+ R
  . The following is a business contract.9 W7 d3 [/ I+ d0 g% A! }& [  p
  . In each line there is one wrong word.
- N: T7 I. Z3 R% [  . For each numbered line (41 - 45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
( t& z* H4 J1 [  Example :
( t( z: E3 s, F& X  We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain. . . responsible. . .5 i# f: \. m7 [5 N2 M* v
  This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F. T. Arbitration Commission to
! A; G- }/ M! ?2 Q! _9 ?  41. appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute
7 k( M/ q. \! `( y& P  42. existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's.
; O0 h+ K% g! M  43. failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of
  V2 m$ h. z2 r- W, ?& `4 Z  44. 8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots. Should the defendant failing to
' l+ a2 n6 E/ B# Z  45. appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F. T. Arbitration .
0 I5 k9 ]! V7 q( [# {  Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed for: f5 x4 |) S' @, Z, X" r
  the defendant.
  f3 G5 I2 n7 r. ^# V/ ^  二. WRITING; z8 M* C1 m9 \8 u$ S
/ O- r- K- A* F: j% w; S# a" W6 H  Question3 _$ R- H2 |# {8 K, P8 t" o
" Z0 @8 |' v3 |/ X" X+ z7 z. ~( l  You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. Therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible.
- n8 b- a7 v: ~0 K  . Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation's manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators.! y0 ?$ ?1 i; S1 h' J' B& E
  . Explain the reason./ T) e: V* ~8 @* |
  . Mention your urgency./ \& P2 @/ w4 U$ \& i
  . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
3 t: ?+ w7 k: D3 w) z. M  PART TWO& ^. [( n0 X' Z9 g
  Question 47
0 t6 y- q% w  C% {1 n  You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts.) Y& k( N1 R! `
  Read the following charts which show , the trend of consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development./ a) A* L3 \1 u0 B1 `& i
  . Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases.. B; G! w( q- @
  . Write on your Answer Sheet.
( Z( p  w* n' n, P  {$ ~: C) @  附图见bec2-6图
: h# R+ Q6 a* c3 x) z% S  三.LISTENING
& B$ }) w0 F: S/ w& I$ j6 B4 {  PART ONE
7 h) _" n" E6 t, ~$ \4 L  Questions 1-12
( h: @! g9 W9 j  D  . You will hear three telephone conversations.
) t9 @3 d( `; @! f  u! g. U  . Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.
; I  W6 I0 U$ C% Q4 k6 S  Message One. Questions 1-4  e* X0 |( Q8 y  U* U# v5 V
  MESSAGE( E6 h4 Z5 T0 L/ _9 }" _
  Visiting City: Barcelona
7 n# P8 l9 O9 t$ P  b' T" i* }+ l  Main Features:
2 G+ C3 ]2 R, h4 J! d, z, o  1. The Old City: old buildings
& i$ L6 P3 J- f( p  2. (1) …… beautiful, magnificent
/ G7 r1 R. D! R$ H9 M; U  3. several (2)…… ……
0 E7 ?/ `* W4 T: {( ?" |  restaurants food is cheap(3) ……5 |: f- W1 `1 ^% h3 a/ z
  4. Staying Hotel (4) ……
# a+ y) l- f8 ]# c  Message Two Questions 5-8
- F; A% Q* t; G0 R* x% t- F6 Z  Hiring Registration* i/ `/ S1 C/ Q! W! p2 v
  Date : 5th Jan. Time : 10:309 h1 R' D! x: d* Y
  Name of the customer : Kate (5). . .
" f1 ~$ [- g, @# R4 z  B  Contact No : (6). . .' [! X" \" s) B* B6 G5 b
  Service Details :
$ Q& s: _3 Z0 X; I  l. An appartment near (7). . . street ,with air-conditioner and heating system .- W3 k' u5 W0 d- e& U* }5 v" b
  2. Rent :on more than (8). . . a month ,including water and gas  n# `3 x6 g( r/ @
  3. Renting Period: about 1.5 years from February
/ `  k. l- K9 F  Message Three. Questions 9- 12
" @$ u) N+ s* B) N6 h/ u! y  Telephone Message: i! I% ?8 g* K( K
  Date : 1st April Time : 9:45
2 R* G8 ?6 b8 k7 p1 `- ~  Item : buying (9). . .
) T( C! f) i* Z8 p  Purpose : 10 for meeting room, (10) . . . for the office) W. ^, Y, o# Y) L" r
  Total money: (11)……
: N+ j6 g: W! V1 {& y  Deadline for purchasing : before ( 12). . . ,April' U* U: ]) X4 H* |+ E, f% H
0 a$ i& o9 x* p  Questions 13-22
! U* @, i& f$ f# b% i  Section One
& q8 Z3 k, n' J8 I* _! t  Questions 13-17
( F! ]. N  P6 k3 P% w& _; T  . You will hear five short pieces.! }$ Q- x, E- C; B
  . For each piece decide where the speaker is.+ Q1 O' I& A% |2 G& m" u
  . Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece.6 F) I; s! ^3 k5 n% o5 k
  . You will hear the five pieces twice.
( ?) }0 c  ~- m/ ^+ O+ }  13. . . . . . . .- w6 |8 W: r9 W1 r$ ^
  14. . . . . . . .0 ?. D1 i6 d1 ^/ D/ \& h8 r
  15. . . . . . . ., z  t/ V& E6 g- |% B- h
  16. . . . . . . .6 c# B/ v9 e/ e( b8 y3 I
  17. . . . . . . ." b  [& t- I9 l/ L5 n
' o) f/ \# b  @2 ]2 V- @* D5 s6 [2 l  A on the plane
- D. q% r# I5 F2 C  B at the bank. ~2 k2 q0 p3 w6 y6 W9 ~; _; {( k
  C at the airport3 @* b# C& O8 B1 [5 L% y
  D at the office. o! j1 V9 l8 C+ G$ `9 r
  E at the theatre8 P1 M  p5 j- |1 h) A5 M7 ^" E/ |3 L
  F at the hotel
3 q. h+ K$ z/ u9 X1 e  G at the customs4 [8 \5 y) l) w) L  Y4 m
  H on the bus

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