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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(124)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ X. A4 R" O! i7 _  1.I want to make a point that 我要强调的是
/ S4 ]- Y; m  M0 c# d  A: Jenny, please send a memo. I want to make a point that no one should use company resources for personal interests.
* h' K$ W, s' N, s! r  B: I got it.! m8 g% O' u' Z5 _: f3 ?, `
  A:珍妮,发个通知,我想要强调任何人都不可以利用公司资源做私事。" o1 E1 K5 L' C1 T: ]( z. @
% j' U0 W+ m! x  2.I would like to bring your attention 我希望你能注意4 q2 H" @- R1 w+ `) P7 L8 p* g2 K
  A: I would like to bring your attention to the recent events.
0 `; |' t( n$ ?) j  B: What is it?/ A6 g+ ]. P; y! U( L$ Z" S. v
+ n7 z* {3 Q/ J/ e% z  B:什么事?
, L( o2 }( D) j  I9 [2 w  3.It has come to my attention that 我注意到; {. C0 s3 E9 C
  A: It has come to my attention that some of you are eating sunflower seeds at work.1 h4 X  O7 p0 }% m0 k
  B: It will never happen again.
9 q' [/ n+ `9 _8 O8 z. U* G  A:我注意到有的人在上班时间嗑瓜子。6 y& i2 r% e! L0 Q! i4 k
  B:以后此类事情不会再发生了。3 r* d" |& [* l( ?4 C
  4.This Memo serves as 本公告是……9 _4 {- R& |. A3 B; d
  A: This Memo serves as a notification for planned reorganization.
4 N! q  H5 z9 j9 h- J  B: This is the third time this year.
# V5 l% _8 I, v" V) ~  A:本公告是计划重新划分组织机构的通知。! r  L2 Q8 O; _: T! t
/ w- W" I8 {# `1 |9 q( k  5.We are pleased to announce 我们很高兴的宣布……$ p$ F8 m, \4 ]7 B9 l7 \
  A: We are pleased to announce our recent acquisition of the Deta LLC.
0 ?5 |7 o$ p/ p4 R% I  B: It's pending approval from the government, right?
7 Y/ C( q# d# L  A: Right./ o8 _5 ^) c8 t3 A) z. f
( l3 K1 C- G9 ]6 G4 U* s7 ?  L  B:还得政府批准是不是?
' k( w: |  @8 u+ [+ n  A:是的。

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