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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(130)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
办公室行为及情感表达——抱歉(2)$ E  ~7 w( {8 ?7 D: U5 X
  1.Is it better 如果……是不是会好些?
( O5 L  H0 g  V: ]& k! n% p2 l4 \  A: Is it better if you don't put so much sugar?
2 A" C; O1 @/ _; D) A: z  B: Would you like me to replace it for you?
& E" _  f& B( {: h. p  A:如果你不放这么多糖是不是会好一些?# Z; ]2 ^0 d+ Y2 U
  B:需要我帮你换一下吗?/ V4 w6 T' {( P. q& t$ S6 I
  2.It was a little too harsh 有一点过分
, G. Q; D7 Z; b  A: It was a little too harsh to push the boy around.) K7 F8 C- X  \6 ~' V
  B: You don't know how bad he treated me!
6 A1 i# g% }# w; D2 V& |2 T  A:把那男孩推来推去真的有点过分。
3 B: r- \+ R* q) ]+ i! l& B  B:你是不知道他怎么对我的!
0 l3 {- E: g: X/ N- B. n  3.You have an attitude 你有个性 " k( T- f% ?8 M
  A: Young lady, you have an attitude.7 I+ t0 ^9 b2 ?; L( a0 ^; l
  B: My attitude was born with me!
' W% T- }2 K8 Q% @4 E  A:小姑娘,你挺有个性嘛。) |9 u8 z, P- Y% O  l+ n2 y6 U2 A9 A
  B:我生来就这样!9 D- I" l- |, V& E* E
  4.That's a horrible thing 真是遭透了的事
* W9 x1 t9 e% ^9 Z+ u  A: That's a horrible thing to do so.) s: I% s8 y0 o$ o" W- l
  B: I agree. I only do that to my brother!+ r. Q2 W2 J0 h% ^$ Y) z4 i
  A:这么做事,真是很不好的事。: ?& K% L2 ^3 \1 u! P. Z. E6 {
  B:我同意,我只对我弟弟才这样做!( c  x1 i# C- y% m; x  T# M
  5.You have bad service 你们的服务态度很差
, d! G; L! Q) ~) \  A: You guys have very bad service. I'll never be back.  M' l! [. k% @0 G8 z
  B: We can switch rooms for you. Please accept my apologies.
  a" ~( m$ W) w% s7 ]0 x/ ~3 {3 N7 v  A:你们的服务态度太差了,我再也不会来了。
0 _0 q* F7 Z4 u9 o6 P  B:我们这就给您换房间,请您原谅。

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