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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(133)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 公共关系——和客户打网球(1)( Q/ t( Y) l& V& }$ G' A
  1.Double 双打
: ?) n2 B1 ]3 S$ x8 b6 X  A: Are we going to play double?
2 j' g1 z" o" I7 L' i  `: [  B: Yes. Double is more interesting than single.
: J* N# k% _! [+ H/ _  A:我们双打吗?
. p/ F( D8 k# H. G3 i  B:是的,双打比单打有意思。 + w. F0 s/ I: V% `
  2.Health club 健身俱乐部
- m; u) X) [% b+ G2 c; T, L/ {+ t  A: Is there any good health club around?% [; @2 l6 W5 P6 ]' U0 {
  B: Yes. The Sunny is a very good one.& l0 L2 s# j% ]
6 [, a( @8 k- ]4 n1 B  B:有,阳光俱乐部不错。
3 R( t: u, E% r, S1 t# Y/ H7 B: F  3.Indoor court 室内球场& k3 w( l1 k" ~0 N* X$ Q, [' o
  A: Do they have an indoor tennis court?
4 t1 t/ x  W& F, J! M  B: No. It is outdoor.
9 |! H' n; M4 O" V" h( r# u  A:你们那有室内网球场吗?/ ]: t! H+ x3 W' e
  B:没有,是室外的。, b, E  [$ C' Y
  4.Lighted court 灯光球场; j( b, }1 R7 i4 _# Q2 C
  A: Is it a lighted court?
6 Y) l% D* P' r6 y. H1 k  B: Yes. Very good lighting.
2 x9 M& g7 V5 q9 E  A:是灯光球场吗?( |0 ~5 R) S& I% R" A8 }  s6 q: ^
+ L2 W8 k, W3 O" N* u& |  5.Net 擦网球8 L+ _, n' k7 `% e2 X% N) {" T  v
  A: Wow,my serve hit the net., S& |! E. _' h& O
  B: You can try again. Net doesn't count. You have two chances to serve.6 H# Y! Z+ k5 A& C; g# r6 A
  A:哇,我发球擦了网。9 K$ M" x& v. }, [

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