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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(157)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1.All the manufactures in the areas try to supply the demands of consumers.
; u( k7 Y" Y4 J4 z" @" E. t2 S  这地区的所有生产商都设法满足消费者的需求。: m/ O0 l/ ^: Z* M- d6 P4 m/ g6 q6 g
  重点词语:consumer n.消费者
# A6 w9 j& E) `3 P0 {0 t* ~  商务用语:consumers' goods 消费品
9 J2 {7 m! e* J: b7 b9 P. p$ i, X  consumer credit control 消费信贷管理+ q* C% K- t" o, C7 G6 f& w
  2.The automobile manufacturer continued to produce minibus to meet the farmers' demand at low profit.
5 E7 I: ]' P" \8 z+ O5 S) r- a- B  这家汽车制造商为了满足农民的需求,继续以低利润生产小型公共汽车。' Q* Y7 _* p& V' ]+ v6 a
  重点词语:continue vi. & vt.继续;连续
1 m; g& K# ^. F+ R7 Z2 o8 b  商务用语:continue to improve 不断改善
5 N; y# s# y5 B* k8 {; F1 ?  continue working 持续工作" f* Z, _) S* U. t* Q$ i8 X
  3.The contributed food and clothing for the refugees.3 x* F% W! z& Q( i
  他们向难民捐赠食品和衣物。$ _  o+ P/ N: n4 a* |
  重点词语:contribute vi.捐款 vt.捐赠(款项等)
8 t( R- \9 m3 R" C) t  商务用语:contribute to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐献1 F& C" y7 V7 |
  contribute to a literary journal 向文学杂志投稿) V$ v; o, e: U- [* x
  4.The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.
% |. T) e( L- D" B  大使亲自向总理传达了总统的问题。( [( @+ O  ]3 j$ u4 r! N& {
  重点词语:convey vt.传送,输送;转让(财产等)
3 {' ]( c# m$ E9 J( R, {- E  商务用语:convey the supplies to the warehouse 把物资运送到仓库
. g0 h( o) y; ?2 O' ~" H' Q0 F  5.Clerk wanted, able to cost.) d) f/ ?6 u" h
& o, t& P% V1 {$ B  重点词语:cost n.成本,费用 vt.花费(金钱,时间),使付出(代价);估定……的成本& E2 V; B( Q$ x% {; c9 f7 ~7 w$ Q) K
  商务用语:cost and freight (C.F.)离岸加运费价
) S/ r, E+ z& d& ?$ @  anticipated cost 预期成本
0 s- E( U% j2 z3 b7 J: n  living costs 生活费用

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