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[BEC高级] 商务英语(BEC)辅导:高级口语练习1

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.His parents were simple people.4 K9 z+ j) H# U
  他父母很朴实。9 o8 X) Y1 j7 N. |8 O" w6 _  K7 L$ W
  重点词语:simple adj.简单的,无经验的;朴实的,朴素的" c" ~! f! k( ~5 s4 y4 b0 }
  商务用语:simple arbitrage 单一仲裁* `- C  e. e+ r7 {7 ?4 q. U" B8 W
  simple commodity economy 单纯商品经济9 U$ c9 E5 U/ ^' I7 }6 l/ G$ C$ z
  simple contract 简单合同/ g4 o! \8 Y6 V" X
  2.He was sincere in his wish to help us.
! N4 `0 u) c* c  他真心实意地想帮助我们。% R+ h$ n. ~( s3 p, n
  重点词语:sincere adj.真诚的' y' r: Q* t0 Q/ W
  商务用语:It is my sincere belief that... 我确信…
& g& V# R, k: y6 ]7 }% s/ R& R. a  3.They sat on appropriation plans until they were certain which way winds were blowing.: p" _9 x* I7 }
6 V4 O/ R0 l9 i; O2 ?- T  重点词语:sit vi.重压;压制;拖延 vt.提供座位
  H4 t  K9 h" [8 F2 M  z  商务用语:a theater that sits 1,000 people 能容纳一千人的剧场& p/ i6 ^' O" `8 k
  sat on the evidence 扣压证据
& `4 q' t8 r3 X. k; m; o( Z5 ~: h  4.The house has a fine situation.( {+ P) i5 U1 c: f3 I7 [  e' {
5 ]& S1 s4 N- e0 P1 z  重点词语:situation n.情形,(建筑物等的)位置
- d# E) [  _8 E: b8 k8 `' N  商务用语:be in/out of a situation 有/失去职业( z5 L4 [% E; _- `
  cope/do with the situation 应付当前的情况
3 O* _$ b; |! }/ p0 N$ Y  ?  save the situation 挽回局势6 p2 R; E3 I' T% T" ~* i4 M( M' o1 b
  5.He has great skill in drawing.
& t. I* o; M3 w) O- }+ }7 T8 o  他画画很有技巧。9 O2 k: X- K6 R, O
  重点词语:skill n. 技能,技巧,技术;熟练工人
- w! q5 w  [8 J/ c/ z; Z  商务用语:diplomatic skill 外交手腕
0 w. P0 A% Y1 F1 J0 ~6 S. D# ^6 r  skill analysis training 技能分析训练: r9 H0 Y5 {* M- E7 J7 n
  skilled employee 熟练工人# I) C/ q$ U, }; d6 S- p
  exert one‘s utmost skill 运用最大技巧

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