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[BEC高级] 商务英语(BEC)辅导:高级口语练习2

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.3 x3 R4 ?% N% w$ u2 B0 q; H+ w
! [! k2 }) Z, ^2 V  重点词语:skirt n.裙子;郊区 vi.绕行
) _7 d& h6 d2 X6 [% f7 C: B/ ^& @  商务用语:on the skirts of a city 在市郊: g! z" X' t$ z% N3 K
  skirt around an awkward question 回避棘手的问题
0 ?1 U# }( D+ k& ^6 J1 X/ V7 `: O  2. Business is slow this season.1 [5 z' E. C# j# {' }
  这个季节生意冷淡。; P! y% z$ y1 h$ |. a
  重点词语:slow adj.不活跃的,缓慢的 v.(使)慢下来,减缓 adv.缓慢/ O2 e, m$ d. i  [5 ]
  商务用语:slow asset 呆滞资产
3 d% @& k5 ~' z9 N7 w  slow at account 不善于算账, e; n+ o# _' f6 X9 W
  3.He‘s a smart businessman.
& S$ z+ i6 Q& e( W/ Q  他是个精明的商人。% A0 T+ \7 n5 Y' X) g# q
  重点词语:smart adj.巧妙的;聪明的;敏捷的 adv.灵巧地;精确地  F+ ?* L+ o8 c& k* C% j1 x9 F2 f" n
  商务用语:smart card 智能卡
; \( c0 Q- t% ?- f- T4 T  smart money 罚款;抚恤金;因掌握内情而下的赌注
3 V4 b+ C6 [3 e0 t( b. j# d  a smart price 挺贵的价格
6 A' h7 x* S4 G3 }! V4 \* ~& @: @7 G: r  4.The new office building is a very solid construction.( J. b! ^! `: R! ]. c. P
- N1 Q! \1 W  A3 e9 ~  重点词语:solid adj.结实的;殷实的 n.固体+ u; U# H' `. [5 x5 {! ?  q
  商务用语:a solid business firm 殷实的商号
$ k$ h! d$ V* T' U; F( E  5.I would as soon stay at home." x* a% c  I, D  ^% A" C3 @) U
9 L: }9 q" ]! w  重点词语:soon adv.立刻,不久
# n4 w8 h7 p4 r$ j" ~. j  商务用语:none too soon 在恰到好处的时候- F5 _# s( h; ^# i( I* }/ H9 K
  sooner or later 迟早,早晚

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