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[BEC高级] 商务英语高级口语辅导:装运Shipment03

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 A timely delivery means a lot to us.9 p. V% u  }; H" B$ r
$ v! r2 r3 L9 Y  I'm sorry to say that we can't advance the time of delivery.- s* f+ U8 ]2 i9 g+ {4 _
; U' f' ]& ]( k  k  There's still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods.
9 q- K, E' ?+ g: W$ K# g  还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。
5 }% y# W0 t. z" L% r  If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier.
$ J) E, n9 P7 g5 J2 ?- h  如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。
6 |$ h/ Z2 V8 @2 Y) k; {- ~' G  Could you do something to advance your shipment?
& X+ B4 }) s. E  你们能不能设法提前交货?
0 U% d3 n9 x: N- R9 V( A. e  They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks.
1 B" C# X" Z+ f1 R0 B7 b  他们就礼花的装运期问题进行了谈判。
% q" @* \  u- F( a# S3 ?2 v' A  Since the time of shipment can not be fixed, I can not but worry about it.* i: M% [% i- D3 S- m
! G) X, |' F) N  I'm sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being.6 ]: u1 i2 x$ w, l% o6 ^% C
3 P" ?4 \6 a# A! T8 ?# ~  Can you effect shipment of the order in March?
+ _: V& @8 A' K7 Z5 A; a  您看这批货能在3月份装运吗?
9 J1 A" j$ D$ z1 G$ B5 Q  Is it possible to effect shipment during October?
0 L. ~7 I0 L3 F+ ~* x5 W  能不能在10月份交货?

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