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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(18)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
复印和打印(1)* w) a6 ~* J, f6 _+ {
1.Add ink 加墨
9 K# d) D& O1 ZA:I need to add ink to the copier. Do you know how?
1 I3 j) n+ u: G" MB:Yes. These are  solid  inks for the color  copier.
9 w& T; S3 Q( I% J) q5 v* e
6 d& m, U# X4 I' e# g7 R1 e+ vA:我想给复印机加点墨,你知道怎么加吗?) \( l6 |7 D, F
B:知道,这些是彩色复印机用的固体墨。   W8 W' E) u0 `4 M* ?  P
2. Add paper 加纸0 a. B' ~# i; W, D$ W$ U# V
A: Please add paper to the copier.
- C/ d) B' v4 k5 EB: Okay. The problem is I don't know where the papers are.
/ L) d/ O, ]# \8 c8 V( n% UA:请给复印机加些纸。& Z! O. d+ f1 B+ |3 D
B:好的,可问题是我不知道纸在哪里。1 P3 [* @4 X0 X, f+ m
& n- Q; s+ E: M+ \) z4 S
3.Automatic feed 自动进纸, b$ G: D, c0 E! Q# g5 I! G' A
9 P3 L6 E: C0 N+ b( ?* f2 [9 I7 w0 C
A: How many pages can the copier take for automatic feed?3 Y# `5 ?3 D+ j% E; j( c' u
B: Fifty pages.
# R7 m$ Q2 I' W* \( q) w5 p0 b. T! H
  G. h5 N6 U4 b7 D. q' T7 E7 ~A:复印机自动进纸可以一次性复印多少张纸?
# J/ R3 ?' Q) Q, aB:50张。
+ ?: q7 Z0 ?0 J$ W3 X8 i4.Bind 装订
) n6 b+ d- q  J" c3 j
# E) I/ a- q- w" Y1 z7 vA: Would you bind the copies for me?: G+ G- Y# Y& n& T( b: m4 m4 J: B
B: Sure. Just let me know what kind of binder you would like.# ^+ v/ ]4 s+ d- `+ n. y- ?
A:您能帮我装订这些复印材料吗?0 z' h1 q: R2 i) G; A
6 e4 V# Z6 e( Z+ b; @! x5.Copy paper 复印纸
! H9 W$ |$ Q3 v5 l* E/ c6 ?) h! G4 D2 C+ m" F
A: Where are the copy papers?. W/ M: S1 Z+ S( Y: ]0 X
B: Ask Wendy.  @0 I" E4 G4 J- c$ G
3 U( h2 V- Z# s5 a" o7 n
A:复印纸在哪啊?" A. f9 X3 K* i7 j. e

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