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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(28)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 f# g& @! w' r7 ?6 ]1 r, W1.Please accept my apology 请接受我的道歉 ; q0 S% y( d( U- N$ o
A:What I said was totally wrong. Please accept my apology.
6 S! C' r/ Z: l1 i) GB:I just hope it doesn't happen again.
' {. E2 \; M% k
& G% `# z5 _* v. W1 gA:我说的完全错了,请接受我的道歉。
, D! j3 [3 m8 D/ |B:我只希望这种事情不要再发生了。 0 o# G: j# S/ ^2 m* C) ~* F
2. Thank you for what you did. 感谢你所做的。9 B) S+ A) r! w% i

) L5 Z. c/ \) {! x: M! w5 D) oA: Thank you for what you did. We wouldn't be able to make it without your help.
5 X9 E$ j- O& |! x' m4 R# lB: You are very welcome.& N7 h+ U/ V; @1 o0 J: n; X) i
A:感谢你所做的,如果没有你的帮助,我们不会成功的。* S4 M6 W# X  V$ W: L
4 a; ]$ T# d7 \% c3 w/ z+ V8 z
# O; M) M( y/ S# ~3.Thanks for your... 谢谢你的……
+ r; V0 b  Y0 J! Y! ]2 n: E
* v; w, A. k; X: \7 GA: Thanks for your support. We are confident to do well in this program.
* u# N' }# p! s* _+ Y( YB: I will be waiting for your successes! 5 t6 A1 \! T* v9 Q+ Y1 g( O
* @/ h/ e6 P) A- p) R4 qB:我等着你们成功的好消息!
3 Y" u7 p& L" m0 a4 M4. We really appreciate 我们真心感谢
8 B9 v! g8 R  z( Z: i% v6 O/ `* m
# b" r: N) l8 t$ f( w: P2 O) RA: We really appreciate if you could send us the payment on time.! s) _  G9 c9 @0 A. ]/ f- b4 O
B: I will confirm with you this afternoon.
. @- `% l/ }4 G* W1 A0 y' qA:如果您能按时付款的话我们将不胜感激。
4 Y8 K+ H2 C6 M! a. ?* XB:我今天下午会和你确认这件事。
" {- U  _: A' M0 z9 L" h5.We want to thank you 我们想感谢你1 w: p$ m; L* }5 m

% f( l+ y5 ]2 S- FA: We want to thank you again for the great job you did.
% _1 y/ {: j8 {B: We strive to exceed customer's expectations.
* S1 J6 d8 r% d1 A% h
4 O: K8 u: g5 S! |A:我们想要再次感谢你所做的出色的工作。
, A& S3 ?8 c2 zB:我们在努力超越客户的期望。

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