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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(26)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; A# P  K* x* m1 v8 l9 D1.From the bottom of my heart 发自内心的
7 U# [6 b" ?7 V& GA:Amanda,I'm so sorry about what happened. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart.- h& @* u. ~" z; Q$ ~
B:That's Okay. It wasn't your fault." ~+ R/ ~  f3 N" u9 z+ m1 w4 E
4 i# Y8 `, h+ B, x4 ~
& O2 e0 I: A$ CB:没事,不是你的错。
1 c6 j% n+ _% c' b) c  \* ^: z0 J5 l2.I'd like to take this opportunity to 我想借这个机会+ W0 y$ \) B) P5 {

( Q/ @/ ^0 X. G5 l; ]A: I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for us./ K7 f; L% [8 v) z" ]' \
B: It's my pleasure. I enjoyed working with you guys.$ |0 y- ~& I6 |, V! c5 f
* Q0 a. R: m& s' H5 eB:不用客气,我喜欢与你们共事。
/ v* y2 B  v. v  e5 D" K5 J
6 c3 l  J; o6 }3 K9 D# m% _2 h) {( Q3.I am sorry 对不起
; M2 W1 C2 Z( YA: I'm sorry to be late.
$ U/ a' X+ F6 s% g) j0 n$ ^B: Be careful next time.( N: O- X6 M* _" Y: z  o) J; M
2 W; V9 x! l- [3 _  S
0 R# ~2 y7 y- X( h% E. CB:下次注意。: B9 ~6 O: k; _% p$ u
4.I apologize 我道歉
. ^9 j$ N" y: Y" l8 Q/ m" ?! A( g7 k( d0 Y
A: I apologize. This should not have to be this way.  X) Y, \6 E* ^' G; s+ L
B: Apology accepted. Try to do better next time..6 C$ \9 V# g/ N+ I& A
/ |3 x1 ~# b; O0 q$ XB:(我)接受(你的)道歉,下次干好点。' Z' e7 ]6 D1 P
5.I feel terribly sorry. 我觉得很抱歉。
. m2 {: x, ~% S" q) M3 J/ d* z! C7 B# [
A: I feel terribly sorry. We caused a lot of trouble for you.
6 y' F$ w9 e% |* C+ H0 UB: I never thought your hotel is like this. We will never come back again.# N$ n( A& e; G+ n( u6 Z8 }! e) k
$ S3 X% A% S7 n0 e$ h3 l
A:我觉得很抱歉,我们给你带来很多麻烦。9 i* B* T+ e+ d+ f, M

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