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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(42)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* Q$ T8 T1 o! V1.Please give us an overview. 请给我们做一下介绍。
* @& q8 H' T) D9 m7 s# VA:We are not familiar with your company. Please give us an overview.7 I, b* I6 y$ T) J4 ?! {
B:I'd be glad to.
) Z$ Y+ U3 d$ A2 r  A6 c. EA:我们对贵公司不是很熟悉,请给我们做一下介绍。
# d  I& R; o+ G4 \" \7 y4 Y/ aB:我很乐意。 ! S7 v7 N; x# k( @
2. Reach a business decision 作出业务决策
) ~" w% p9 t7 [$ Y+ U
$ E4 w4 @  R4 D% xA: We expect to reach a business decision if we will take on this program.0 l7 k7 {5 _& i
B: The sooner, the better. Please let us know early next week.5 n, v, J  G" A5 M5 M0 x+ X
  ?* s3 Z& g4 p0 ~9 q1 dB:越快越好,请下周初通知我。
3 C3 s( b$ f. u4 j. p7 m% U7 J0 T$ J3 O/ J: `$ y3 g
* _8 X- Z* i  q' P
3.Shoot me an email 给我发电子邮件
) B, G8 ?  M# RA: If you got any questions, just shoot me an email. My email address is on my business card.. V/ z* l6 i6 ~5 x  Z6 Y
B: Okay. Keep in touch.- N) s5 |5 p2 Z& r% B
A:如果有什么问题的话,请给我发电子邮件,我名片上有我的邮址。" ~- Y1 z4 E% L" u
% R6 D9 B$ f8 P+ _8 I4.Warranty issues 保修问题. M$ |$ n6 Y! S, `: o1 n

) J: D/ J/ m+ f+ N6 A* Y! q- H0 IA: How do you tackle the warranty issues?1 v& T& F; p% `4 b8 {) v6 F9 O
B: We're going to look into the root cause of the failures, and get it resolved once and for all.3 E9 Z8 v% @8 F9 a$ L, k
; h" x. X8 T0 f) jB:我们准备深入调查失效的根本原因,保证下不为例。9 u+ U; y) E1 }8 |& C
5.I would like you to meet. 我希望你来见一下。; P7 f4 n4 O& B% J2 k

" u. D% _3 q1 ~& v9 ?& Z$ AA: I would like you to meet our Quality Manager, Ming Li.& r5 f( D# M: c
B: Hi, Ming. My name is Richard Lee." o7 _( v! y. i0 O' H0 f4 P% n
A:我希望你来见一下我们的质量经理,李明。% @0 |' b2 c. Y8 [1 j3 P
B:你好,明,我是理查德 · 李。

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