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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(48)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——(展示会上)使用投影仪及计算机(2)  z7 O* d' k- j1 v4 `& H
1.No signal 没有信号 - H" ?- X4 N/ {; U
A: Why is there no signal?) i& N1 m( d! d6 ^- m; N, w# `/ L
B: Push the Function key and the F4 key at the same time.
$ y3 }1 P' a1 n# @A:为什么没有信号呢?
0 E! o' V" g4 M4 `  ^4 i. A( gB:同时按住功能键和F4键。
$ L" S" _& A) c
& d/ Y% h+ f9 Y2.Power outlet 电源
0 d. Q- E5 M- i9 b3 a1 AA: Where is the power outlet?  H2 B. a# [0 Q* v( h
B: It's usually on the wall. But it seems to be under the table in this room.
/ e; O. @8 U  H4 zA:知道电源在哪吗?
5 l3 h+ T' K4 K) B6 IB:一般都是在墙上,但这个房间的好像是在桌子下面。。+ @- a5 p% X1 e* B
* `: p6 t+ o- B8 p$ q
3.Power strip 电源插排
7 ]( }: Y7 @# S" \7 A; v4 u7 fA: I think we need a power strip.
% \$ X  M: `8 F: b" gB: Okay. I'll get one right now.
6 ~# Y; O/ B9 ^& T4 kA:我想我们需要一个电源插排。
2 `- ~( \# t( GB:好的,我现在就去拿一个。4 r/ F" D: F& w  ^) h0 k0 c* ~

6 d  M& ^; `) F3 h; r4.Make sure 确认
5 |; z9 O: g' ?# |) _7 T7 c) sA: Mike, please make sure that the projector works. * _5 U9 B) Q- _2 q6 m
B: I checked twice already., E) J3 Y/ S8 ]4 J
$ p1 L2 ?, v  d& t& w/ QB:我已经查过两次了。
! e) m0 K2 s+ `) A& P* t
; r) v$ t" M* g' k1 ^, r5.Turn on the projector 开投影仪' X$ m2 U% g- r6 f" B  ?# [
A: How do you turn on the projector?
! N+ N/ c5 W( J/ R: xB: Push the power button. It'll take a while before the projector is ready.% W1 w; u! {, }$ c* Z
A:怎样开投影仪啊?# w1 e% H3 J1 x% [9 [- i

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