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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(47)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——(展示会上)使用投影仪及计算机(1)* ]  V4 P1 t# T3 `- v6 v
1.Back up 后退 0 U1 H3 r: q  S0 x' \) X- `0 D
A: John, could you back up one slide please?
, d7 K6 V; ^  c, i+ E7 aB: Sure. / f4 v& x5 ^1 G# p. L6 Q& }7 a
. f8 F% S# U& f( m, zB:好的。 ) C: G3 @& e" }1 c, A/ i
2. Connect the projector to the computer 把投影仪连接到电脑上
+ }$ U( S. p* @6 I, h$ G( sA: How do you connect the projector to the computer?7 y$ j& [  V1 `! e0 Y& f) `
B: Use the cable. Connect one end to the projector input, and the other end to the computer output.
6 n) N& x% F- I, R. BA:你知道怎样把投影仪连接到电脑上吗?
* F/ n0 {0 t7 [: p( i% CB:用这根数据线,一边连接投影仪的输入口,另一端连接电脑的输出口。8 i: Q/ l4 Z* X* `/ \3 R  d
3.Get out of the presentation 结束演示" w1 X/ F* W% T- n1 l2 j
A: How do you get out of the presentation?
% O0 _2 H- k" d) F, tB: Push Esc, and you'll be out of the presentation.
+ o/ [* i2 `3 z* [/ X: i8 {8 Q! o( SA:能告诉我演示完毕怎样退出吗?
+ W2 Q" ?5 q6 TB:按 Esc 键,你就可以结束演示了。! x4 d8 i2 b- S% `$ l6 Z7 p1 a
* s. k9 Z  d8 L3 H9 l4 n9 o
4.Input selection  输入选择
. p! f7 x; F$ o7 i# AA: How come I cannot get the signal?8 J8 i& D3 b' h* I- b0 s  a- j
B: Did you play with the Input Selection?
. L: x' ^9 A- e4 M6 ?2 xA:我这儿怎么没有图像呢?
) Y' Z7 S) f; D$ l9 R) `B:你调整输入选择了吗?
6 ?. U2 B3 e5 K' d
) ^. |4 n" m! L1 x% C1 \% l, C5.Plug it in 插电源# G6 ^! m4 c! F7 |" k+ Z2 }5 m. F
A: Did you plug it in?9 o: [) |0 ?: r6 z% }% U4 M7 c9 k
B: I did. It still dosen't work.( |( w& @  w6 f% ^" F
A:你插电源了吗?$ ]- r9 |! K8 c6 E0 }; K. h: Y1 `

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