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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(83)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. M$ U! ]3 i: T. s' h1 ?$ k  1.Chart 图表1 ^0 ?! Z+ a. d1 _6 s
  A: Do you like to use a chart to tabulate the data?
0 ?. r. n1 F2 V8 o  B: I do. It adds some comparison to the data.$ Z. F; w: f% D3 P
  A:你喜欢用图表来统计数据吗?( B: a* B7 _8 r1 L' [) e" E( l
  B:是啊,这样会对数据有个比较。   u! b5 ]) m' T$ z3 c
  2.Checklist 检查清单1 A1 o- Y$ w% A/ o, L
  A: Do you have the checklist for feasibility review?
( p/ Q" P$ z9 X& Q9 u5 Q  B: I do. We are fine./ U6 J( v7 |# G4 U0 e  e* h
  A:你那儿有可行性分析审核的检查清单呢?- X! h: ^+ @$ W( F
% e1 A3 a2 N, H, K" G  3.Critical characteristic 关键特征4 W6 y, L7 @! {) m- r6 `5 P( c: l% D0 D
  A: What are the critical characteristic?
* \; F- G% t& z9 [; a  B: The product requirements which can affect compliance with government regulations or safe product function.
6 g5 \: r( i. Z  A:关键特征是指什么?
, @) r, ^) T9 P2 p/ `, B  B:是指会影响符合政府法规或产品安全功能的产品要求。7 ~7 ^1 w% i9 Z0 @& h) h
  4.Flammability 可燃性
/ L5 ~, H1 F4 X! M  A: What is flammability?
, G/ _, q9 ^$ x0 C4 x8 H& D3 h  B: It is the measure of the extent to which a material will support combustion.* C& r3 z- y% S3 ?
- B7 `: k$ C0 o( ?  B:是对材料支持燃烧程度的一种衡量。; m- R. c! R! D+ j
  5.Fracture 断裂,破裂
% l3 ?) l6 w5 w( ^: Z! O  A: Why does fracture occur?
) \4 |9 z6 H5 U$ w. A" J' {& J  B: It occurs when a component reaches its limit for deformation.
2 m* ]) ^, n6 k) J, ^  R( l  A:为什么断裂会发生?' F4 q* c& p/ `$ y) \

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