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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(86)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
业务职能——信息部(1)& `8 y! v' w; `1 k8 Y+ d' p" x# ~
  1.Byte 字节
  j5 z: }8 s2 ]# c# B" E  A: What is a byte?6 w7 q9 l; Z) U. P2 t! F1 b+ R
  B: A byte is the space needed to store one letter in the computer.. n* i9 g9 z; r  \+ _
; x. [6 ?! \: D: p, ]) @: }) M+ W9 p5 V  B:一字节就是计算机中需要储存一个字母所需的空间。
7 f9 u$ D( O7 u  2.Computer language 计算机语言& q% Q% v3 s: e
  A: What computer language do you use?$ |/ _2 r  `7 f& e: s
  B: I use C, C++, and Visual Basic.; R5 U1 ?% P5 e" t' C: }/ k
  A:你使用什么计算机语言啊?, M; l# b9 L; S' z7 `9 m
  B:我用C语言,C++, 和Visual Basic语言。6 o3 k5 ^. G5 L$ f) c8 t
  3.Dial up 拨号(上网)
- }: i8 t/ s6 H+ a/ F1 W5 R  A: How do you get connected to the Internet at home?
# Z& Z7 {0 @; G  B: I ues dial up, not a broad band connection.
) ?; D  w. j* y3 v+ k6 g  A:你在家怎样上因特网?
4 T* v+ {/ k- P' p, X& {; v2 c  B:我用拨号(上网),不是宽带。  O5 }4 c( V. X5 T: v9 p/ E) C, M
  4.Floppy disk 软盘  N; ?, Z  `, e; ?; r
  A: Anybody still using floppy disk? It's already obsolete.- D4 O6 z/ E! ]$ P% j2 k6 \2 r' u
  B: I know. The portable hard disk is popular now.
7 q! L+ A( _4 T; g; }  A:现在还有人使用软盘吗?都已经淘汰了。
$ X: R5 G3 O! R- T, T* K6 _  B:我知道,现在流行移动硬盘。
$ H$ z, D( ]; @! m. Q1 T, y3 }  5.Internet 国际互联网/因特网
) A9 s" F$ S; O  A: Was the Internet really invented by Gore?
, {3 L) ^0 x0 l. L3 N" t  B: There is a debate on that. I'm not quite sure who is right.) m$ |& ~+ r  M1 }8 Z( ~/ r) v# D
  A:因特网真的是由高尔发明的吗?4 J5 l7 [# S* Y' _2 b

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