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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(115)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
庆祝——野餐' h$ A. X! C; w& I; n6 i# |; B6 @4 H
  1.Company picnic 公司野餐
0 S7 L/ `. K* E  A: I like the company picnic.
. \8 V1 \( i! ]4 ~  |3 B0 |( }  B: I do too. It's really family fun time.
- c! {: c) b- q) g. V# |1 @! {2 V  A:我喜欢公司野餐。+ y7 i- h5 _+ v+ S3 }+ U  w
  B:我也喜欢,真是享受天伦之乐的好时候。/ o+ y$ K5 |" c$ @  c
  2.Games 游戏
9 `* a$ `, Q/ M, x( {  A: What are the games available?+ F! u9 b" n2 o
  B: Hammer strike, hay ride, pony ride, ring throwing, and toy guns. Lots of them.4 g/ T4 Z! E- b6 ?2 B( Y; R
  A:有什么游戏可以玩啊?, Z- N& v, X; ]2 ~( w) y) |- I
# Y8 i. x, p# I8 @  3.Pony ride 骑小马1 E. q: n" C5 Q  {
  A: How about the pony ride?
. z8 g8 p, j3 w: [( x  B: I think I'm too big for that, and too heavy for the pony.6 W7 ~& c6 e8 |/ U& }: [
  A:我们去骑小马吧?7 x# F, F$ ^) M0 `- T( Z) N/ n" H: ^
8 M) O, m. C, b  4.Salad 沙拉
. E) I3 c0 e$ w( @( b( [. j  A: I liked the potato salad at the picnic.
( q/ }- z+ U2 g1 X  B: It was yummy.# J' B6 R6 f; N
  A:我喜欢野餐会上的土豆沙拉。, k/ @  X% ~' z" o6 z: C
  B:很好吃。. ~3 S9 R; J5 W) d: a
  5.Soft drinks 饮料- b5 k! ^; f! s! N
  A: Where are the soft drinks?
  }5 C2 L# a& ^; k8 z/ D4 ?  B: In the tent.
( G$ {+ l; l9 A7 |, M! R% R  A: What are the choices?
- D) v* K- k1 ]6 C+ ?7 Q- |2 g. O  B: Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, and Iced Tea., T' y+ x* z% c3 A( D; G0 x( y
  A:饮料在哪里?; L6 H' }) Z0 P$ K1 O
  B:在帐篷里。; k9 J4 [! ^8 I' W
  A:都有什么啊?+ T! \& J. o+ f; u. j1 E. I& O6 Y

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