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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表二十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
生态建筑 ecological construction
3 ~  y. J2 w6 c- g生态林 ecological forest+ m  y7 y7 m  P% j  s' l
生态旅游 ecotourism4 {8 V4 [( h- p7 H0 f; T3 j+ ?
生态农业 environmentally friendly agriculture) z  M) c$ r. b0 b9 ^6 e. s6 R) c
生物恐怖主义 bioterrorism- _  x" L! b. E8 T4 y; P5 r
生物圈 biosphere
6 l: R8 K) e+ [2 O$ ^生意兴隆 Business flourishes. B  H6 Z6 Q: t# {/ E$ q# Y
声讯台 information service center
9 P5 z5 ~2 m5 l7 [) \省会 provincial capital
( L4 w+ c7 g3 U* A1 @" H圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争) jihad6 {4 d0 v9 L* L9 J, v7 ^1 Q
失恋 be disappointed in love; be jilted9 C+ _9 {! \( ~$ L. ]
失学儿童 dropout, h- C! `5 Q! \0 z
失业金 unemployment compensation
1 F# y/ e! c) D# j+ R* U师兄弟 (senior and junior) fellow apprentice
' F# ]2 v; D3 D+ B* Q" {! }施政纲领 administrative program
+ Z, \8 K6 c- Y5 |十五计划《纲要》突出了战略性、宏观性、政策性 The Outline for the Tenth Five-Year highlights its strategic vision, broad perspectives and policy considerations3 h6 ]) J6 \$ e" c9 n1 c
十一界三中全会 the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party
: B% O. c" z! P  a石漠化 stony desertification
1 L  H# K9 j2 u5 \2 u5 Y时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.5 D2 |2 l% P* J* E' X
实报实销 complete reimbursement; K! X5 R# e+ q# a
实话实说 speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is- V4 f, H! D1 T. L
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
/ t) p8 N! J4 j& F实例化教学 case study teaching( `8 E7 c; l3 B. X  e
实时达帐 real-time account settlement; j' R' L6 D6 j) n9 B  z; j
实事求是 seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts
& ?- t& N7 q7 L. W; s实体经济 the real economy" T- C7 u0 F9 y
实现零的突破 "fulfil the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough"7 U& p/ f3 q+ G6 r) T8 p# ]
实现小康目标 to achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life$ s0 \0 P! h/ ?( K6 _* R& ]# Y/ D
实现中华民族伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
# u0 ~' @7 `9 j# S- I实行股份制 enforce stockholding system5 e+ |1 A8 n. J: d5 a* \
实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to3 d7 H0 T  A+ v* d2 E1 i
实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质 promotion of family planning to control the population size and improve the health of the people9 l5 F2 V1 T8 ~& B  P' ?- O+ M
食品卫生法 Food Hygiene Law of People's Republic of China+ h2 S% y* v. ?$ \
使中国经济与国际接轨 To bring China’s economy more in line with international practice
# [+ m; z$ D; o% P世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day2 }+ O& a2 i9 ]# q
世界大学生运动会(大运会) universiade
' C( W! b5 r1 Q" {  P" C" Z世界观、人生观、价值观 world outlook; outlook on life; values, k! w! J, S! t( g4 }- P4 E, p6 z
世上无难事,只要肯攀登 "Where there is a will, there is a way. "
( y! }$ \/ @& C, X世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;' [& E- e3 k( o: r3 M
市场饱和 market saturation; saturated market$ N+ b' n+ U8 a) ^1 P
市场导向的就业机制 market-oriented employment mechanisms
; S1 q* P0 S! U: ~- e市场化 marketization0 Y+ p3 R& u; o" S* [* D+ {: m- m+ U
市场疲软 sluggish market
0 c- X5 J% @3 T* a* B5 B# C市场营销学 marketing  X4 ]7 j: t8 \7 |
市场占有率 market share
% |/ {, R: g9 b. [1 G% e$ ~+ N$ y市场准入 market access3 n# F% u6 ?7 p# ?
市话 local calls- D. ^- }- W8 z6 b) Z1 F( M
市盈率 p/e (price/earning) ratio8 J3 B( R7 T4 a! X# L6 T9 f
市政工程 municipal works; municipal engineering
9 D0 j- [1 X. J0 P8 i  i' ?市值 market capitalization
+ a( t- \( u1 K0 S. L+ u5 k事业单位 public institution$ G4 o  M( s( \6 C! ?. h% v
视频点播 video on demand (VOD)
' c9 A, O& H, d+ R, o试点工程 pilot project/ l5 _; b/ _5 A# l
试点项目 pilot project5 z- D6 e6 D# q+ n* `
试管婴儿 test-tube baby6 B7 o- H% T/ Z- z4 D% U8 b" G0 K
试用期 probationary period5 J  ^; ^9 U& c- w
适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight fiscal policy; s7 T; v2 _+ D6 d0 |% n& q" G
适龄儿童入学率 enrolment rate for children of school age: r0 L; Z0 |+ @& a; }
适销对路的产品 readily marketable products
& O9 j; r8 A1 {1 O0 _$ `7 J4 P适者生存 survival of the fittest
, J( H; ~& b7 s: I/ o释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni
( p1 j' s+ D* W+ Y" m" \收购兼并 merger and acquisition
/ x+ ^6 @2 ~2 _. }收盘价 closing price
$ J1 ^0 h' Q0 {" v) G收视率 audience ratings; television viewing, t* B: U: f& \5 N; C% D1 S- S
手机充值 cellular phone replenishing4 B3 @5 S$ E% |! S1 P- t3 r' ~
手机入网费 initiation charges for mobile phone; mobile access fee
9 u! r3 U) o( h# I% e7 u首创精神 pioneering spirit
/ o  L) Q4 F) n3 _首次公开发行的股票 initial public offering (IPO)
/ C! U3 x6 Q0 t, y5 z6 Z首次上市(股票) IPO (Initial Public Offering)$ p/ f# w7 \# _
首发阵容(足球) first team
1 E) {) T' p, T* i首航 maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship)$ t( y3 n$ m. j- `6 m8 k$ @
首期按揭 down-payment
, Y. h. @% V' V, J* j4 b+ }寿司 sushi, a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished
* L9 d" W2 Y; Y受灾地区 disaster-affected are' H  i1 i& o& z9 A
受灾群众 people afflicted by a natural disaster
  x/ T/ P& r1 V* X5 L售后服务 after-sale services* C, B- V/ e$ c8 v! T
授信贷款 credit extension loan/ \9 F: y1 S6 R6 [8 N( J
授信额度 line of credit5 S: u0 F1 o1 o
瘦肉精(盐酸克伦特罗) clenobuterol hydrochloride+ q& p: ?+ ]' A
枢纽工程 multi-purpose project or pivotal project3 Z! Y0 R; ^* f. W3 ~7 V/ B1 i
树立企业良好形象 foster a good and healthy company image, _( k0 ~+ t4 }' z
数据通信 data communication$ j. c7 b/ Q' Z8 [
数码港 cyberport$ `7 N1 h. A5 B4 U1 A. [) d+ E6 n
数字地球 digital globe
2 A6 u: k# R% U$ f/ H+ |数字蜂窝移动通信 digital cellular mobile telecommunications7 R2 K3 L2 i7 k7 h( z
刷卡,划卡 to punch the card; to stamp the card$ o- b4 r+ H$ ~4 P7 {; O# m) T' k% ~3 q
甩卖 clearance sale; be on sale7 e( [  o! H5 h2 _$ G9 k+ d
涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton
" n# G; @2 X2 @: ~双刃剑 double-edged sword
1 ]' I" k3 ]* f& X5 a! G0 L  A双向收费 two-way charge system/ K$ O9 f* y1 c1 J. K( b, Q) Q
双向选择 two-way selection (referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market). ^: `) X( K! M7 y
  K5 ~0 O( I% X- r! N) [
双学位 double degree

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


</p>双赢局面 win-win situation
" ~  F' _+ K9 P. _双职工 man and wife both at work; working couple) O& C5 B/ L- c4 p$ G8 p- P
双重遏制政策 dual containment policy0 e4 G; j) y' c% B- C7 |: G
双重轨制 two-tier system ; double-track system
. i4 T: p3 k$ }7 Z+ M双重国籍 dual nationality
2 ?! o$ l7 l  Y, Z5 |. U0 d谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 "Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. "
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